
Primary LanguagePython

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This is a project given by Ariel university, the purpose is to implement a directed weighted graph.


The implementation of the graph itself was done by using 3 dictionaries, A dictionary to keep all nodes, a dictionary to keep the incoming edges from a node and the outgoing edges.

We have also created a class for nodes and edges. Below is the list of the methods and their short summary. Please look at the code for a more detailed explanation.

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DiGraph pydoc :


GraphAlgo pydoc :


DiGraph Use Run time
repr() prints the graph O(V+E)
v_size() returns amount of nodes O(1)
e_size() returns amount of edges O(1)
get_all_v gets the node O(1)
all_in_edges_of_node get the edge O(1)
all_out_edges_of_node add the node to the graph O(1)
get_mc Content Cell O(1)
add_edge Get a collection of all nodes O(1)
add_node Get a collection edges from node O(1)
remove_node remove a node from the graph O(K)
remove_edge remove an edge from the graph O(1)
Graph_Algo Use Run time
get_graph() Returns the graph O(1)
load_from_json load the graph from json format O(V+E)
save_to_json save the graph in json format O(V+E)
shortest_path shortest path between two given nodes and a list of the path O(n^2)
connected_component returns the strongly connected component which that node is a part of O(V+E)
connected_components returns a list of all the strongly connected components O(V(V+E))
plot_graph plot the graph using mathploblib O(V+E)


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This project uses varias graph algorithms such as Breadth first search and Dijkstra's algorithm. More information can be found : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm




Use DiGraphTest.py & GraphAlgoTest.py

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