
A restful API project for monitoring github releases

Project Layout


└── user.clj            # utilities for repl driven development (see make repl)
└── api
    ├── db.clj          # DB config details
    ├── cron.clj        # routine-like job for refreshing releases in db
    ├── handlers.clj    # handlers that interact with the DB     
    ├── github.clj      # functions for interacting with github API
    ├── jdbc.clj        # support for various SQL <> Clojure data types  
    ├── main.clj        # app's main entry and middleware configurations       
    └── routes.clj      # API routes


  • Java8+
  • Clojure
  • Docker


config setup
  1. touch secrets.edn (.gitignored)
  2. add your github token in this format
{:github-token "top-secret"}  ;; used for GitHub API requests


  1. make up # spins up docker-compose
  2. make migrations # runs migrations up
  3. make run # runs code locally

Running with REPL

  1. make repl # runs nrepl
  2. API will now start serving traffic on localhost:4000
  3. evaluate (reset) after changing code
  4. evaluate (halt) to stop the server or simply CTRL + c to end the process

Additional dev tasks

  • make lint # lints code via clj-kondo
  • make format # formats code via cljfmt
  • make repl # spins up rebel-readline


  • make jar


  • make test # runs integration tests