
Dicom Image Toolkit for CornestoneJS

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Dicom Image Toolkit for CornerstoneJS

Current version: 2.2.1

Latest Published Release: 2.2.1

This library provides common DICOM functionalities to be used in web-applications: it's wrapper that simplifies the use of cornerstone-js environment.


  • Orthogonal multiplanar reformat with contours generations
  • Custom loader/exporter for nrrd files
  • Segmentation masks support
  • Memory management
  • Support all dicom modalities
  • 4D Cine support
  • Anonymization functionalities
  • Cine tools and ECG Parsing
  • Masks management

Full documentation and examples are available at http://www.dvisionlab.com/Larvitar/.


Types can be imported from larvitar/imaging/types or larvitar/imaging/tools/types.

import { Series } from "larvitar/imaging/types";

let newSerie: Series;


  • cornerstone
  • cornerstone-tools
  • dicomParser
  • DICOMImageLoader
  • webImageLoader
  • fileImageLoader
  • lodash
  • pako
  • papaparse


yarn add larvitar

Build package

yarn build


Use yarn coverage to generate type coverage report.


Use yarn dev to have webpack hot-reload (live recompiling the library). In order to test functionalities you can serve the .html file with VSCode extension LiveServer or other similar tools. Once you are done, upgrade the version (README and package.json) and build the library. Docs will be compiled by the Github action.

Repository structure

  • index main file
  • dataDictionary json file for dicom tags
  • imageAnonymization provides anonymization functionalities
  • imageColormaps provides color maps functionalities
  • imageContours using to populate cornerstone tool for segmentation contours on 2D images
  • imageIo import a dicom image in .nrrd format and build contiguous array for exporting data as volume
  • imageLayers provide support for multi-layer cornerstone fusion renderer
  • imageLoading initialize loader and custom loaders
  • imageParsing parse dicom files and return a cornerstone data structure ready to be used for rendering
  • imagePresets provides default image CT presets and set functionality
  • imageRendering provides rendering functionalities
  • imageReslice provides reslice functionalities
  • imageStore provides data storage functionalities, vuex support is integrated
  • imageTags using to handle dicom tags and metadata
  • imageTools using to handle standard and custom cornerstone tools
  • imageUtils utility functions on pixels and metadata tags
  • loaders/commonLoader common functionalities for custom loaders
  • loaders/dicomLoader custom loader for DICOM files with support for multiplanar reformat (axial, sagittal and coronal planes)
  • loaders/fileLoader custom loader for png/jpg files
  • loaders/multiFrameLoader custom loader for multiFrame data
  • loaders/nrrdLoadercustom loader for nrrd files with support for multiplanar reformat (axial, sagittal and coronal planes)
  • loaders/resliceLoader custom loader for resliced data
  • parsers/ecg custom parser for ecg data
  • parsers/nrrd custom parser for nrrd data
  • tools/custom/4DSliceScrollTool is a custom cornerstone tool for handling navigation of slices in a 4D DICOM series
  • tools/custom/contourTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of segmented images
  • tools/custom/diameterTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of diameter widgets
  • tools/custom/editMaskTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of segmentation masks with brush functionalities
  • tools/custom/EllipticalRoiOverlayTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of elliptical widgets
  • tools/custom/polygonSegmentationMixin is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of polygonal widgets
  • tools/custom/polylineScissorTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of polyline widgets
  • tools/custom/rectangleRoiOverlayTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of rectangular widgets
  • tools/custom/seedTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D interactive seeding with custom colors and labels
  • tools/custom/setLabelMap3D
  • tools/custom/thresholdsBrushTool is a custom cornerstone tool for handling thresholds in a brush tool
  • tools/default default tools map and configuration
  • tools/interaction cornerstone interaction tools
  • tools/io import and export functionalities for tools
  • tools/main tools main functionalities
  • tools/state tools state management
  • tools/segmentation segmentation masks management
  • tools/strategies/eraseFreeHand strategy for erasing freehand masks
  • tools/strategies/fillFreeHand strategy for filling freehand masks
  • tools/strategies/index strategies index


  • Simone Manini, D/Vision Lab
  • Mattia Ronzoni, D/Vision Lab
  • Sara Zanchi, D/Vision Lab
  • Alessandro Re, D/Vision Lab
  • Laura Borghesi, D/Vision Lab

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