
hedge-ops DevOps project http://hedge-ops.com/devops-project/

Primary LanguageHTML

Website - A Hedge-Ops DevOps Project

This project is inspired by Hedge-Ops. The full blog post can be found here: DevOps Project.

Phase 1: Simple Website

  1. Create an account on https://github.com/
  2. Create a repository named website on Github
  3. Clone your website repository locally using your terminal (Terminal on a mac or PowerShell on windows)
  4. Create a branch called feature_index
  5. Add an index.html to the branch that says Hello, World! in the text. You’ll want to make the change with Visual Studio Code
  6. Check that in
  7. Create a pull request for your branch to be merged into master
  8. Merge your pull request into master after it’s approved

Phase 2: Simple Webserver

  1. Create an account on Azure and activate free trial
  2. Create an ubuntu virtual machine on Azure
  3. SSH to that machine
  4. Set up nginx on the machine
  5. Clone your git repository to /var/www/html on the server
  6. Using the public ip assigned to your ubuntu server, access the website


Phase 3: Deploy a Change

  1. Create a new branch on your repository named feature_myname
  2. Update index.html to say “Hello, Michael!”
  3. Create a pull request, get it reviewed, and merge it
  4. On your webserver, update your index.html file from GitHub.

Phase 4: Create a Chef Cookbook to Automate Machine Setup

  1. On GitHub create a repository called my_website
  2. Clone that repository locally and switch to a branch called feature_nginx
  3. Set up nginx using the package resource
  4. Use Test Kitchen to make sure your cookbook installs the package. Use kitchen with a Policyfile. There will be a Policyfile.rb in the cookbook that defines your run list if you’re doing this right.
  5. Write an Inspec Test that ensures the package is installed
  6. Create a PR and get it merged
  7. Create another branch called feature_website
  8. Using the git resource clone your repository on GitHub
  9. Write another inspec test to make sure that the website is served when you go to http://localhost and that the contents contain “Hello, Michael!”
  10. Make sure that kitchen test works
  11. Create a Pull Request and Merge into master