This is a mirror of * cached file contents get some information from files and cache the result. Reparse the file when it has changed automatically. * tiny-cmd : Never get the "Press ENTER or type command to continue" message again * funcref: - poor man's closures for Vim. - Create function objects calling autoload function without sourcing that file - (be lazy, do the work when it has to be done) - get rid of the "Use upper case letters for custom functions" annoyance Example: let myFun = funcref#Function("return ARGS[0]") let result = funcref#Call(myFun, [2]) let myFun2 = funcref#Function("foo#bar#Baz") " pass arguments (kind of simple closure): let myFun2 = funcref#Function("return ARGS", {args: [1]} ) echo funcref#Call(myFun, [2]) echoes [1,2] " bind function to an object: let myFun2 = funcref#Function("return SELF.myvalue", {self: {"a": "myvalue"} } ) etc.. This library is used by many of my plugins If something doesn't work it's a bug. So tell me to fix it! Reuse this code if you like it!