
Elixir web application that integrates with FreeAgent and simplifies invoice creation for service-based businesses.

Primary LanguageElixir


What Does FurAgent Do?

FurAgent is a simple Elixir & Phoenix app that integrates with FreeAgent and makes it easy to create multi-line invoices for services that span multiple days. The current FreeAgent user interface requires line items to be added individually, which gets a little painful when you're providing a daily service over multiple weeks (for example, Pet Sitting).

Can I See FurAgent In Action?

Sure! There's a copy of FurAgent running in a sandbox environment on Heroku.

Don't worry if the page takes a few seconds to load, there's a Virtual Machine spinning up behind the scenes.

Running FurAgent Locally

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server