
create md changelog

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

changelog python utility

The utility for extracting info about installed (used) tools inside docker container


  1. Clone repo

    git clone <repo URL>
    cd <cloned repo folder>
    # create venv if needed 
    pip install . #install all requirements


    pip install -U git+<repo URL>
  2. Run it

    python3 main.py ..params 


    docker-changelog-creator ..params

    where params are:

    Creates changelog file based on jinja2 template. Extracts versions from docker image, using xml description. 
    Parses BASE IMAGE from Dockerfile
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --image IMAGE         an image ID or an image name
    --outpath OUTPATH     Path for generated changelog
    --dockerfile DOCKERFILE
                            path to dockerfile
    --toolstotestfile TOOLSTOTESTFILE
                            path to the xml file with tools for extracting info
    --outputtemplatefile OUTPUTTEMPLATEFILE
                            path to Junja2 template file for rendering and createtin well-formated changelog
    --mode {append,create}
                            either create new changelog file or append to existing one
  3. Tools to testfile example

                <name>Python 2</name>
                <command-to-check-version>apt-cache show python2</command-to-check-version>
                <name>Python 3.8</name>
                <command-to-check-version>apt-cache show python3.8</command-to-check-version>
                <name>Python 3.11</name>
                <command-to-check-version>apt-cache show python3.11</command-to-check-version>
                <name>python conan package</name>
                <command-to-check-version>pip show conan</command-to-check-version>
                <name>Azure CLI</name>
                <command-to-check-version>az version</command-to-check-version>
  4. Jinja2 template example(https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/templates/):

    # TOOLS
    ## Base image: {{BASE_IMAGE}}
    {% if APT_TOOLS %}
    ## APT TOOLS
    {% for pkg in APT_TOOLS %}
    ## {{ pkg.name }}
    <pre>{{ pkg.version|replace("\n", "<br>")|default("Not found", true) }}</pre>
    {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        NO APT TOOLS where provided...
    {% endif %}
    {% if PIP_TOOLS %}
    ## APT TOOLS
    {% for pkg in PIP_TOOLS %}
    ## {{ pkg.name }}
    <pre>{{ pkg.version|replace("\n", "<br>")|default("Not found", true) }}</pre>
    {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        NO PIP TOOLS where provided...
    {% endif %}
    {% if AZURE_CLI_TOOLS %}
    {% for pkg in AZURE_CLI_TOOLS %}
    ## {{ pkg.name }}
    **azure-cli**: {{pkg['version']['azure-cli']}}<br> 
    **azure-cli-core**: {{pkg['version']['azure-cli-core']}} <br> 
    **azure-cli-telemetry**: {{pkg['version']['azure-cli-telemetry']}} <br> 
    {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        NO AZURE CLI TOOLS where provided...
    {% endif %}