
Simple demo phonebook desktop app

Primary LanguagePython

Phonebook Kivy App


It's just the first time attempt to create cross-platform app using Kivy

Following features have been implemented at the moment:

  • Create(add) contact
  • Search by name
  • Search by phone
  • A contact could have many phones attached to it
  • Delete contacts
  • Contacts are stored in sqlite DB via SQLAlchemy ORM


  1. clone project and cd to project dir
  2. instructions to install Kivy
  3. The easiest way to install - using wheels
  4. create venv and activate it
    python3 -m venv env
    source ./env/bin/activate
    #win cmd
    python -m venv env
  5. Install dependensies:
    pip install kivymd sqlalchemy

Run it

  1. cd to src directory
  2. run
    python3 main.py
    #win cmd
    python main.py

Video explanation[RUS]

Crossplatform Kivy Phonebook app

Previous step

Next steps

  • Create the same app as web-app usind Django