Challenge LLMs to Reason About Reasoning: A Benchmark to Unveil Cognitive Depth in LLMs

Primary LanguagePython

MR-GSM8K - A Novel Benchmark for Evaluating Reasoning in LLMs

Code License Python 3.9+

🤗 HF Dataset • 📃 Arxiv Paper

Welcome to the official repository for the MR-GSM8K dataset and related research. This repository serves as a hub for resources associated with our recent publication "MR-GSM8K: A Meta-Reasoning Revolution in Large Language Model Evaluation". We encourage other SOTA Math LLMS to try out our benchmark and return its results to us. We would be happy to include it in the eval_results and update the evaluation tables below for you.


[2024.01.19] We submitted our second draft of MR-GSM8K(renamed from DiagGSM8k) paper with minor cleaning of the dataset and introduced our novel metrics MR-Score. This update is mainly for naming consistency for the future expansion to more subjects and different difficulties. Please rest in sure that this should be our (hopefully) last major updates on the repo config and we are sorry for the confusion!

[2024.01.07] We are working hard on creating a more holistic and multifaceted evaluation benchmark that broadens the scope and difficulty levels of current MR-GSM8K. Please stay tuned and consider adding a star for updates.

[2023.12.28] We submitted our first draft of MR-GSM8k paper and also open-sourced the benchmark and its evaluation results

About the Evaluation Benchmark

MR-GSM8K is a challenging benchmark designed to evaluate the meta-reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs). It goes beyond traditional evaluation metrics by focusing on the reasoning process rather than just the final answer, thus offering a more nuanced assessment of a model's cognitive abilities.

Specifically, given a GSM8K question and its solution, the evaluated model is tasked to predict the correctness of the solution. If the solution is incorrect, the model is expected to further locate the first error location and elucidate the error reason. Note that each test problem is combined with two variations which requires code solution and backward reasoning.

MR-GSM8K Illustration

Our Evaluation Metric MR-Score

In order to provide a unified and normalized score to reflect the overall competence of the evaluated model, we hereby propose a novel metric named MR-Score. MR-Score is a weighted combination of three metrics. The first one is the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (e.g. MCC) for the binary classification of solution correctness. The MCC score ranges from -1 to +1 with -1 means total disagreement between prediction and observation, 0 indicates near random performance and +1 represents perfect prediction. Here we interpret negative values as no better than random guess and set 0 as cut-off threshold for normalization purpose. The second metric is the ratio between numbers of solutions with correct first error step predicted and the total number of incorrect solutions. The third metrics is likewise the ratio between number of solutions with correct first error step plus correct error reason predicted and the total number of incorrect solutions.

The formula of MR-Score is defined as

MR-Score = w_1 * MCC + w_2 * Accuracy(step) + w_3 * Accuracy(reason)

where w_1, w_2, w_3 are chosen empirically as 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5. For more discussion on the metrics please refer to section-3 of the paper.

Evaluation results

Evaluation Results of Models on MR-GSM8k: This table presents a detailed breakdown of each model's performance, including True Positive Rate (TPR), True Negative Rate (TNR) and Matthews Correlation Coefficient. The 'Step' column represents the accuracy of correctly identifying an incorrect solution and pinpointing the first error step. 'S+R/M' column showcased the accuracy of not only locating the first error step in incorrect solutions but also correctly explaining the error's rationale. The overall MR-Score/M is a normalized metric ranges from 0 to 1 and calculated based on formula described in Section-3 of the paper. The M/A here indicate that the error reason is either labelled manually or by by GPT4-Turbo-1106 and MR-Score is calculated based on the respective results.

Model Eval Method TPR TNR MCC Step S+R/M MR-Score/M MR-Score/A
Claude2 0-shot 67.41% 67.13% 0.345 21.04% 11.76% 0.191 0.203
GPT3-5 0-shot 78.84% 39.48% 0.198 11.38% 4.64% 0.097 0.097
GPT4 0-shot 69.03% 90.59% 0.614 52.32% 43.04% 0.495 0.512
WizardMath-70B 3-shot 82.41% 2.73% -0.250 0.38% 0.06% 0.001 0.001
Mammoth-70B 3-shot 98.81% 2.73% 0.055 0.25% 0.06% 0.012 0.012
MetaMath-70B 3-shot 91.45% 10.55% 0.034 1.40% 0.38% 0.013 0.013
llama2-70B-diag 0-shot 31.74% 73.49% 0.058 20.79% 6.29% 0.105 0.118

Benchmark Details

There are 3000 data instances in the MR-GSM8K benchmark and you can access it at dataset/MR-GSM8k.json. Below is the description of the fields in the data instances:

  'uuid': 'the unique identifier of instance',
  'question': 'the GSM8k question or its variations',
  'ground_truth_solution': 'the ground truth solution for the question',
  'ground_truth_answer': 'the ground truth final answer of the problem',
  'model_output_steps': 'the solution to be graded',
  'model_output_answer_correctness': 'the answer correctness, determined automatically',
  'model_output_solution_correctness': 'the correctness of the solution reasoning process, labelled manually',
  'model_output_solution_first_error_step': 'the first error step of solution. N/A if not applicable, also labelled manually',
  'model_output_solution_first_error_reason': 'the error reason of solution, N/A if not applicable, written manually',
  'question_type': 'original/POT/reversed'


To reproduce the results from the paper, see scripts/eval_*.py files for more details. Most of them should be self-explanatory. To reproduce the Qlora finetuning of the 70B llama2 experiment please use the scripts/run.sh to invoke the scripts/train_math.py script modified from MetaMath repo. The finetuning data is provided in dataset/synthesized_training_data.jsonl. You might want to blend it with the GSM8K training set to reproduce our setup.
The scripts/auto_grade_error_reasons.py script is what we used for auto labelling the error reasons and the MR-Score is calculated from the naive implementation script of scripts/calculate_mr_score.py.


If you use the MR-GSM8K dataset or find our research beneficial to your work, we encourage you to cite our paper. Here is the BibTeX entry for citation:

      title={MR-GSM8K: A Meta-Reasoning Revolution in Large Language Model Evaluation}, 
      author={Zhongshen Zeng and Pengguang Chen and Shu Liu and Haiyun Jiang and Jiaya Jia},