# Sample Angular Project Running in an nginx Docker Container and Cloud Run ## Install npm Or skip this step if you are running in the Google Cloud Shell environment. <https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm> ## Install the Angular CLI ```bash npm install -g @angular/cli ``` ## Clone this repository and create a sample angular app Run this command inside the root directory of this repository to create a sample Angular app called `client`. If you choose a different name, you need to update the included Dockerfile. ```bash ng new client --directory=. ``` ## Build the Docker container locally and test it ```bash docker build -t client . docker run -p 8080:80 client ``` ## Publish this container to Artifact Registry and Deploy it to Cloud Run ```bash GCP_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project) REPO_NAME=angular-docker-nginx-app-demo CONTAINER_NAME=angular-frontend REGION=us-central1 gcloud artifacts repositories create $REPO_NAME --repository-format=docker --location=$REGION gcloud builds submit --region=$REGION --tag $REGION-docker.pkg.dev/$GCP_PROJECT/$REPO_NAME/$CONTAINER_NAME gcloud run deploy $CONTAINER_NAME --region $REGION --allow-unauthenticated --image $REGION-docker.pkg.dev/$GCP_PROJECT/$REPO_NAME/$CONTAINER_NAME --port 80 ```
A tutorial that demonstrates how to build an AngularJS app and run it inside an nginx Docker container deployed to Google Cloud Run