
Light application to display a web site like a real application. Example: Outlook, Teams, ...

Primary LanguageC#


Light application to display a web site like a real application. Example: Outlook, Teams, ...

How to use?

  1. First, download the last Release version and exact all files into a local folder. This folder will contains all data stored by the browser.

  2. Check if Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is already installed on your PC. If not, download the WebView2 Runtime (Evergreen Standalone Installer - second columns) and install it.

    If you don't have administration rights on your PC, you can download a Fixed Version of Edge (same download page - third column). Open the configuration window (Right-click on the top bar) and load this CAB file into the application. Restart the application to apply these changes.

  3. Run the AppWebView.exe file and configure your startup page : Right-click on the top bar and select Configuration.... Restart the application to apply these changes.



Release notes

1.2 Add a configuration to use a Fixed Version of Edge. Download the Fixed version of Edge and extract the download CAB into a subfolder of the application. You can check the Edge version using the Developer Console F12 and writing navigator.userAgent in the console.

1.1 Fix the startup position.

1.0 First version