
Demo used during the .NET Conf 2024: Exploring the New Fluent UI Blazor Library

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DotNetConf 2024 - Fluent UI Blazor - Quick Start

Demo used in the Exploring the New Fluent UI Blazor Library session at .NET Conf 2024

This project demonstrates how to use the Fluent UI Blazor Library.

note: This code is for step-by-step learning only. It does not respect development rules and/or best practices. This project presents only a small part of the possibilities offered by Fluent UI Blazor library. Some shortcuts have been applied to improve understanding of the project/code.


Step Branch
1. FluentUI Blazor Template branch 1
2. Weather page branch 2
3. Add a Registration page branch 3
4. Add a confirmation Dialog branch 4
5. Replace by a Toast message branch 5
6. Add an Autocomplete with countries branch 6
7. Use the AppBar branch 7
8. Theme and Dark mode branch 8

After completing all the steps, the final result will look like this:

Final result

1. FluentUI Blazor Template

2. Weather page

We're going to adapt the Weather data grid using a Progress Ring, customising a column with icons and adding a few filtering and data sorting functions.

  1. Replace the 'Loading...' label with this component to display a Progress Ring during the loading phase.

  2. Add a TemplateColumn including icons.

    <FluentDataGrid Id="weathergrid" Items="@forecasts" GridTemplateColumns="1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 2fr" TGridItem="WeatherForecast">
        <!--                                                                             ^^^                               -->
        <PropertyColumn Title="Date" Property="@(c => c!.Date)" Align="Align.Start"/>
        <PropertyColumn Title="Temp. (C)" Property="@(c => c!.TemperatureC)" Align="Align.Center"/>
        <PropertyColumn Title="Temp. (F)" Property="@(c => c!.TemperatureF)" Align="Align.Center"/>
        <!-- ***************************************** -->
        <TemplateColumn Title="Icon">
            @if (context.TemperatureC > 10)
                <FluentIcon Value="@(new Icons.Regular.Size24.WeatherHailNight())"
                            Color="@Color.Neutral" />
                <FluentIcon Value="@(new Icons.Regular.Size24.TimeAndWeather())"
                            Color="@Color.Neutral" />
        <!-- ***************************************** -->
        <PropertyColumn Title="Summary" Property="@(c => c!.Summary)" Align="Align.End"/>

    Update the GridTemplateColumns attribute (adding a 1fr) to define the width of this new column.

    This attribute respect the syntax used by the CSS grid-template-column attribute.

    GridTemplateColumns="1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 2fr"
  3. Allow resizing and sorting behaviors

    As descrive on the page: This page is rendered in SSR mode, so the FluentDataGrid component does not offer any interactivity (like sorting)

    To solve that, add this attribute in the top of the page.

    @rendermode RenderMode.InteractiveServer

    You can find more details on Render Modes on this Blog page.

    Next, add the :

    • The ResizableColumns="true" attribute to the FluentDataGrid element.
    • The Sortable="true" to the Temp. (C) column.

3. Add a Registration page

  1. Add a new Register.razor page with this content.

    @page "/register"
    @rendermode RenderMode.InteractiveServer
    <PageTitle>New user</PageTitle>
    <FluentLabel Typo="Typography.PageTitle">Register</FluentLabel>
    <FluentLabel Style="margin-bottom: 24px;">
        Let's get you all set up so you can verify your personal account and begin
        setting up your profile.
    <EditForm Model="@Data" OnValidSubmit="ValidHandlerAsync">
        <FluentTextField Label="First name:"
                        Placeholder="Enter your first name"
                        @bind-Value="@Data.FistName" />
        <FluentTextField Label="Last name:"
                        Placeholder="Enter your last name"
                        @bind-Value="@Data.LastName" />
        <FluentDatePicker Label="Birth date:"
                          @bind-Value="@Data.BirthDate" />
        <FluentTextField Label="EMail:"
                        Placeholder="Enter your email"
                        @bind-Value="@Data.Email" />
        <br />
        <FluentCheckbox Label="I agree to all terms, conditions, privacy policy."
                        @bind-Value="@AcceptToCreate" />
        <div style="margin: 24px 0px;" />
        <FluentButton Appearance="Appearance.Accent"
            Create account
        form fluent-text-field {
            margin-bottom: 24px;
    @code {
        private RegisterUser Data = new();
        private bool AcceptToCreate = false;
        private bool Loading = false;
        private async Task ValidHandlerAsync()
            Loading = true;
            // Simulate asynchronous loading
            await Task.Delay(1000);
            Loading = false;
        public class RegisterUser
            public string? LastName { get; set; }
            public string? FistName { get; set; }
            public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }
            public string? Email { get; set; }
  2. Add a new item in the Left Navigation menu.

    <FluentNavLink Icon="@(new Icons.Regular.Size20.PlugConnectedSettings())"

4. Add a confirmation Dialog

  1. Update the App.razor file, adding @rendermode="RenderMode.InteractiveServer" to define the entire application as using InteractiveServer mode.
    <Routes @rendermode="RenderMode.InteractiveServer" />
    <script src="_framework/blazor.web.js"></script>
  1. At the end of the MainLayout.razor file, add this line. These Providers define where the HTML code will be generated. By placing it at the end of the file, these components will be rendered 'above' all the other elements of your web page.

    <FluentToastProvider />
    <FluentDialogProvider />
    <FluentTooltipProvider />
    <FluentMessageBarProvider />
    <FluentMenuProvider />
  2. In the Registry.razor page, inject this service and add the Dialog Message.

    @inject IDialogService DialogService
    private async Task ValidHandlerAsync()
        Loading = true;
        // Simulate asynchronous loading
        await Task.Delay(1000);
        // Confirmation
        await DialogService.ShowInfoAsync(
                    message: "Your account has been successfully created",
                    title: "New user");
        Loading = false;
  3. Add this new AccountCreatedDialog.razor file , implementing IDialogContentComponent, to customize the Dialog content.

    @implements IDialogContentComponent
    @* Header *@
    <FluentDialogHeader ShowDismiss="true">
        <FluentStack VerticalAlignment="VerticalAlignment.Center">
            <FluentIcon Value="@(new Icons.Regular.Size24.PersonAdd())" />
            <FluentLabel Typo="Typography.PaneHeader">
    @* Footer *@
        <FluentButton Appearance="Appearance.Accent"
    @* Body *@
        <FluentLabel Typo="Typography.Subject" MarginBlock="10px;">
            Thanks for being awesome!
            Thank you for registering your new request.
            If your request is urgent, please use our telephone number to speak to one
            of our customer service representatives.
            You can also reach us via <a href="https://dotnet.microsoft.com" 
                                        target="_blank">our documentation page</a>.
    @code {
        public required FluentDialog Dialog { get; set; }
        private async Task SaveAsync()
            await Dialog.CloseAsync();
  4. Replace the previous DialogService.ShowInfoAsync method by this new ShowDialogAsync<AccountCreatedDialog>, to call the customized dialog box.

    // await DialogService.ShowInfoAsync("Your account has been successfully created",
    //                                   "New user");
    await DialogService.ShowDialogAsync<AccountCreatedDialog>(new DialogParameters()
        Title = "New user",

5. Replace by a Toast message

  1. In the Registry.razor page, inject this service and add the Toast Message.

    @inject IToastService ToastService
    ToastService.ShowSuccess("Your account has been successfully created");

6. Add an Autocomplete with countries

  1. Add this class Country.cs to have a list of all countries.

    note: Copy the full code from this file.

    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
    public record Country(string Code, string Name)
        public string Flag => 
        public MarkupString HtmlFlagAndName => (MarkupString)
            @$"<div style=""display: flex; gap: 10px;"">
                <img src=""{Flag}"" width=""24"" />
        public static IEnumerable<Country> All
                // List generated using https://chat.openai.com/
                return new Country[]
                    new Country("af", "Afghanistan"),
                    new Country("al", "Albania"),
                    new Country("dz", "Algeria"),
                    new Country("as", "American Samoa"),
                    new Country("ad", "Andorra"),
                    ... // Copy All Countries from the GitHub source code (see the note above).
                    new Country("ye", "Yemen"),
                    new Country("zm", "Zambia"),
                    new Country("zw", "Zimbabwe"),
  2. Update the Register.razor file to add the FluentAutocomplete component

    <EditForm Model="@Data" OnValidSubmit="ValidHandlerAsync">
        @* Country *@
        <FluentAutocomplete TOption="Country"
                            Label="Select a country"
                            Placeholder="Select countries"
                            OptionText="@(i => i.Name)"
            <OptionTemplate Context="country">
                Please select only one country.
    @code {
        // Add this new method
        private async Task OnSearchAsync(OptionsSearchEventArgs<Country> e)
            e.Items = Country.All.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith(e.Text, 
                                .OrderBy(i => i.Name);
            await Task.CompletedTask;
        public class RegisterUser
            public string? LastName { get; set; }
            public string? FistName { get; set; }
            public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }
            public string? Email { get; set; }
            // Add this new line
            public IEnumerable<Country> Countries { get; set; } = Array.Empty<Country>();

7. Use the AppBar

You can replace the NavMenu with an AppBar to conform more closely to certain applications.

  1. In the NavMenu.razor file, delete the NavMenu elements and use this code.

    <FluentAppBar Style="height: 300px;">
        <FluentAppBarItem Href="/" Text="Home"
                            IconRest="@(new Icons.Regular.Size20.Home())"
                            IconActive="@(new Icons.Filled.Size20.Home())"/>
        <FluentAppBarItem Href="counter" Text="Counter"
                            IconRest="@(new Icons.Regular.Size20.NumberSymbolSquare())"
                            IconActive="@(new Icons.Filled.Size20.NumberSymbolSquare())" />
        <FluentAppBarItem Href="weather" Text="Weather"
                            IconRest="@(new Icons.Regular.Size20.WeatherPartlyCloudyDay())"
                            IconActive="@(new Icons.Filled.Size20.WeatherPartlyCloudyDay())" />
        <FluentAppBarItem Href="register" Text="Register"
                            IconRest="@(new Icons.Regular.Size20.PlugConnectedSettings())"
                            IconActive="@(new Icons.Filled.Size20.PlugConnectedSettings())" />

    You may need to adapt the reduced menu for mobile devices.

8. Theme and Dark mode

  1. in the MainLayout.razor file, add a button in the page Header to switch between Dark and Light mode.

        <FluentSpacer />
        <FluentButton Appearance="Appearance.Accent"
                      IconStart="@(new Icons.Regular.Size20.DarkTheme())"
                      Title="Theme" />
  2. Add the FluentDesignTheme component and the method SwitchTheme called by the button.

    <FluentDesignTheme Mode="@ThemeMode" OfficeColor="OfficeColor.Word" />
        private DesignThemeModes ThemeMode = DesignThemeModes.System;
        private void SwitchTheme()
            ThemeMode = ThemeMode != DesignThemeModes.Dark ? DesignThemeModes.Dark: DesignThemeModes.Light;