
A generic decorator based ssh protocol message fuzzer based paramiko the Native Python SSHv2 protocol library

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


See README for the paramiko readme.

Paramiko based SSH fuzzer that hooks into paramiko.message raw message packing functionality to fuzz the ssh protocol. It is based on a decorator driven fuzzing controller. Methods that should be tracked and intercepted are registered to the fuzzing controller paramiko.fuzz.FuzzMaster by decorathing them with @paramiko.fuzz.FuzzMaster.candidate. To actually start fuzzing a fuzzing_corpus has to be created. This is basically a valid ssh scenario where the fuzzing controller is initialized and a few mutation methods for the decorated candidates are defined. An good corpus should try to use all the paramiko offered ssh features. Whenever the test corups calls a candidate function, control is handed to the fuzzing controller which then calls the method specific fuzzing method. This is typically the original function with some random or deterministic factor and some changes to generically inject faults.

the fuzzing controller keeps track of unique call graphs in order to exhaustively fuzz every single candidate function.

For a working example see demos/fuzzing_corpus.py

  1. get a paramiko.fuzz.FuzzMaster reference

  2. assign your fuzzing function to on of the paramiko.message fuzzpoints. In this case we're defining an add_string function that adds an invalid length-prefix to the raw ssh-string on a random basis.

    def add_string(self, s):
        Add a string to the stream.
        :param str s: string to add
        s = common.asbytes(s)
        if random.choice([False]*7+[True]):
        return self

FuzzMaster = paramiko.fuzz.FuzzMaster FuzzMaster.MUTATION_PER_RUN=10000 #FuzzMaster.add_fuzzdef("add_byte",add_byte) FuzzMaster.add_fuzzdef("add_string",add_string) FuzzMaster.add_fuzzdef("add_int",add_int) FuzzMaster.add_fuzzdef("add_boolean",add_boolean) #FuzzMaster.add_fuzzdef("add_adaptive_int",add_adaptive_int) #FuzzMaster.add_fuzzdef("add_int64",add_int64)

client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) for i in xrange(100): try: client.connect(hostname="host", port=22, username="user", password="password") _, sout, _ = client.exec_command("whoami") print sout.read() _, sout, _ = client.exec_command("whoami") print sout.read() client.invoke_shell() client.open_sftp() transport = client.get_transport() session = transport.open_session() session.request_x11(auth_cookie="JO") session.exec_command("whoami") except paramiko.fuzz.StopFuzzing, sf: print "STOP FUZZING"

  except Exception, e:
      print repr(e)