Pegasus is a PEG parser for Odin, it's meant to be very efficient for parsing DSLs or prototyping a language.
If you want to make use of it I recommend getting aquainted with PEG
small grammar language
Here is a simple example that you can find in lib/main.odin
import "shared:pegasus" // I usually have a hardlink to the library in Odin's `shared` folder
main :: proc() {
grammar := `
Expr <- Space SubOp
SubOp <- AddOp (Sub AddOp)* { Numeral }
AddOp <- DivOp (Add DivOp)*
DivOp <- MulOp (Div MulOp)*
MulOp <- PowOp (Mul PowOp)*
PowOp <- Term (Pow Term)*
Term <- Atom / OParen Expr CParen
Pow <- '^' Space
Mul <- '*' Space
Div <- '/' Space
Add <- '+' Space
Sub <- '-' Space
OParen <- '(' Space
CParen <- ')' Space
Atom <- Numeral
Numeral <- Number Space
Number <- [0-9]+
Space <- (' ' / '\t' / EndOfLine)*
EndOfLine <- '\r\n' / '\n' / '\r'
EndOfFile <- !.
subject := "23 + 2 +(1* 2) ^ 2"
is_match, pos, captures, _ := match(grammar, subject)
if is_match {
log.success("matched til position", pos, "|", subject[:pos])
} else {
log.error("matched til position", pos, "|", subject[:pos])
- Implement Pattern logic
- Implement Memoization Tree
- Implement Input abstraction
- Implement Charset abstraction
- Implement VM
- Fix encoding issues
- Get regex based syntax for parsing
- Improve Charset abstraction using Odin
- Fix issue with re not compiling string grammars
- Create examples for the library
- Add API to parse specific grammars
- Add a CLI to interface with the grammars to parse
- Figure out captures