
with gitignored ios/android maps api keys: https://medium.com/@ykaito21/flutter-from-zero-to-one-how-to-ignore-google-map-api-key-from-source-control-18e119ff5a47

Primary LanguageHTML


Getting Started

This project is a starting point for getting Google Maps integrated into your Flutter app using the google_maps_flutter package.

This project was made by combining the pub.dev package set up instructions and removing API keys from source in this Medium article.


Ensure you have flutter installed correctly by running flutter doctor. You should get all green ticks.

Create and Add Maps API keys for iOS and Android from GCP to ios/Runner/APIKey.plist and android/app/src/main/res/values/keys.xml respectively.

Then flutter run, or in VS Code select your simulator device and run.

You will get a basic full screen google map with a button allowing you to pan/zoom/focus to a particular Latitude/Longitude location.