skeleton airflow code with examples

Author:DC (


Airflow Dag for doing spark-submit and other things

Before you start

How do Deploy

  1. Install Airflow
  • $ python3 --version
  • Python 3.6.8
  • $ virtualenv --version
  • 16.7.5
  • cd
  • mkdir airflow
  • cd ~/airflow
  • virtualenv -p which python3 venv
  • source venv/bin/activate
  • pip install apache-airflow
  • pip install psycopg2 2.7.5
  • Clone this repo under $AIRFLOW_HOME
  • Open another terminal - cd /airflow; export AIRFLOW_HOME=/airflow; airflow initdb; airflow webserver
  • Open another terminal - cd /airflow; export AIRFLOW_HOME=/airflow; airflow scheduler
  • The dag should appear in localhost:8080
  • Do following changes in AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow.cfg ** dags_folder = <your_dir>/airflow-skeleton
    ** sql_alchemy_conn = postgresql+psycopg2://dc@localhost:5432/dc to your postgres instance
    ** executor = LocalExecutor
    ** smtp_host =
    **smtp_starttls = False
    **smtp_ssl = True
    **smtp_user = apikey
    **smtp_password =
    **smtp_port = 465
    **smtp_mail_from =
  • Add following in ~/bash_profile export SETTINGS_FILE_FOR_DYNACONF='["<your_dir>/settings.toml"]'

How to run

  • Manually trigger main_dag provided.
  • If everything is set up it will send a email to the email provided in settings.toml

What is demonstrated in this

  • Running Python jobs
  • Running Bash Jobs
  • Running a spark submit (managed using common functions)
  • Using xcom
  • Orchestration between jobs
  • Sending emails when job fails