
A wrapper around gorm to handle postgresql migrations from raw sql files. Still a work in progress

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A Wrapper around gorm for migrations

Still a work in progress

🚀 Dependencies

  • gorm
  • go 1.18

How to use

-Import import into you project and reference github.com/dwakel/leafeon/migrator

-Can also use with terminal to run migrations

    go run leafeon.go -connstr="host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=dbpassword dbname=dbname sslmode=disable" -src="./migrations" up
    go run leafeon.go -connstr="host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=dbpassword dbname=dbname sslmode=disable" -src="./migrations" down

Replace -connstr with your connection string and -src with the path to you directory containing migrations files

Naming conventions
  • Up migrations should be named {filename}.up.sql
  • Rollback migrations should be named {filename}.down.sql