
Grunt plugin for flexunit server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Grunt plugin for flexunit-server.

Additional Requisites

In addition to npm module dependencies, following things are required to run grunt-flexunit.

  • Browser you want to use to open swf files

    Currently only Firefox is supported

  • Flash Player plugin for the browser

  • xvfb-run (optional: see doc of options.useXvfb for details)

The "flexunit" task


    flexunit: {
        test: {
            options: {
                port: 0,
                host: '',
                reporter: 'Junit',
                output: 'a.xml',
                swfFiles: ['http://localhost/swf/player_zero/a.swf'],
                browser: 'Firefox'



Type: Int Default value: 0

A int value of port to listen to, defaults to 0. The value 0 is a bit special: in this case, server will choose ports randomly and try and retry listening to them until it succeed to listen.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value or null that is used as a hostname the server listen to. If set to null accept connections directed to any address.


Type: String Default value: 'Junit'

A string value of reporter name to use. See document of flexunit-server to find available reporters.


Type: String Default: null

A string value of filename the reporter writes the result to. Set to null to stdout result.


Type: String Default: process.cwd()

A string of directory path which http server should use as a root. By default it will be the current directory where grunt is run.


Type: Array Default: []

An Array of URLs of flexunit swf files to run. Should be relative to options.httpServerRoot.


Type: String Default: 'Firefox'

The browser to open swfFiles.


Type: String Default: 'auto'

Must be either 'auto', 'always', 'yes', 'never', 'no'.

A string that decides whether the browser should be run within xvfb-run.

When this option is enabled xvfb-run command is required, which is usually included in xvfb or X Virtual FrameBuffer package. Flexunit can run in headless when this option is enabled. When set to 'auto', use xvfb if

  • $DISPLAY is not set
  • xvfb-run is found

Port to Connect

As described above, the port number where flexunit-server listens will be decided randomly when 0 is specified as a port option. The port flexunit-server actually listens will be told to swf files by appending ciport=<port> parameter to the URLs, so the swf files should get this value for example by means of loaderInfo.paramters object.