
JSON-RPC 2.0 for Elm.

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A JSON-RPC 2.0 library for Elm. You can use it to send JSON-RPC requests over HTTP.

Creating requests

A request with no parameters:

import Json.Decode as JD
import JsonRpc

currentTime : JsonRpc.Request String
currentTime =
    { method = "currentTime"
    , params = JsonRpc.noParams
    , result = JD.string

A request with positional parameters:

import Json.Encode as JE

add : Int -> Int -> JsonRpc.Request Int
add a b =
    { method = "add"
    , params =
            [ JE.int a
            , JE.int b
    , result = JD.int

A request with named parameters:

subtract : Float -> Float -> JsonRpc.Request Float
subtract minuend subtrahend =
    { method = "subtract"
    , params =
            [ ( "minuend", JE.float minuend )
            , ( "subtrahend", JE.float subtrahend )
            -- No optional parameters
    , result = JD.float

intToString : Int -> Maybe Int -> JsonRpc.Request String
intToString n maybeBase =
    { method = "intToString"
    , params =
            [ ( "n", JE.float minuend )
            -- 1 optional parameter
            -- If maybeBase is Nothing then
            -- the named parameter "base"
            -- isn't sent over the wire
            [ ( "base", Maybe.map JE.int maybeBase )
    , result = JD.string

Sending requests


rpcUrl = "https://json-rpc.example.com"

type Msg
    = GotCurrentTime (Result JsonRpc.Error String)

JsonRpc.send rpcUrl GotCurrentTime currentTime

This will send the JSON-RPC request:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "currentTime",
    "params": [],
    "id": 1

over HTTP to the endpoint https://json-rpc.example.com.

Changing the request identifier

To change the request identifier use sendWithId.

Use an integer identifier:

    (JsonRpc.intId 2)

The corresponding JSON-RPC request will be:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "currentTime",
    "params": [],
    "id": 2

Use a string identifier:

    (JsonRpc.stringId "abc123")

The corresponding JSON-RPC request will be:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "currentTime",
    "params": [],
    "id": "abc123"

Want to change the HTTP settings?

Take a look at sendCustom.

Handling errors

A JSON-RPC request can fail in many ways. Suppose the currentTime RPC call fails then in our update function we can handle it as follows:

import JsonRpc

GotCurrentTime (Err error) ->
  case error of
      JsonRpc.HttpError httpError ->
          -- There was an error trying to
          -- reach the server.

      JsonRpc.UnexpectedStatus metadata body ->
          -- A successful HTTP status code
          -- other than 200 was returned.

      JsonRpc.DecodeError jsonDecodeError ->
          -- The Response object returned
          -- by the server was malformed.

      JsonRpc.MismatchedIds { requestId, responseId } ->
          -- The id of the Request object
          -- is not the same as the id of
          -- the Response object.

      JsonRpc.JsonRpcError { kind, code, message, maybeData, responseId } ->
          -- The RPC call encountered an error.
          -- The maybeData field may contain
          -- detailed error information as
          -- defined by the server.


The examples directory contains:

  • An Ethereum example based on eth_chainId and eth_getBalance.
  • A RandomOrg example based on generateIntegers.

To play with the examples do the following:

$ nix-shell
$ serve-examples

Then, open http://localhost:8000 in your browser and explore!