
A Haskell library and CLI game for Tic-tac-toe.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


A Haskell library and CLI game for Tic-tac-toe.

The CLI game

Here's how to play it:

> xo
Welcome to Tic-tac-toe
Play as many games as you want
Press Ctrl-C to exit at any time

Your turn (X)
   |   |
   |   |
   |   |
> 2 2
The computer played at 1, 3
Your turn (X)
   |   | O
   | X |
   |   |
> 1 1
The computer played at 3, 3
Your turn (X)
 X |   | O
   | X |
   |   | O
> ...

By default X plays first and is controlled by a human player (you) whereas O plays second and is controller by the computer.

Here are some other ways to run the game:

> xo --first o
# x is human, o is computer and o plays first

> xo -x computer -o human
# x is computer, o is human and x plays first

> xo -x computer -o human --first o
# x is computer, o is human and o plays first

> xo -x computer
# computer vs computer, plays for 25 rounds by default

> xo -x computer --rounds 50
# computer vs computer, plays for 50 rounds

Use xo --help to learn more.

Design overview

The game is decomposed into a library and an executable.

The library consists of 5 modules:

  1. XO.Mark contains the X's and O's a player uses to mark an available tile.
  2. XO.Grid provides a 3x3 grid that can contain either marked or unmarked tiles.
  3. XO.Game exposes an API that is used to enforce the game logic for Tic-tac-toe.
  4. XO.AI implements a minimax algorithm to determine the best positions to place a mark.
  5. XO.Referee exports a function that is used to decide when a game is over and who won or squashed the game. XO.Game and XO.AI are intended to be the only users of the referee.

The executable depends on the library and uses it to implement the command-line interface.

Library usage examples


>>> import XO.Mark as Mark
>>> X
>>> O
>>> Mark.swap X
>>> Mark.swap O
>>> :t X
X :: Mark


>>> import XO.Grid as Grid
>>> Grid.empty
>>> Grid.set (0, 0) X Grid.empty
>>> Grid.set (2, 2) O (Grid.set (0, 0) X Grid.empty)

>>> Grid.inBounds (2, 3)

>>> let grid = Grid.set (2, 2) O (Grid.set (0, 0) X Grid.empty)

>>> Grid.isAvailable (0, 0) grid
>>> Grid.isAvailable (1, 1) grid

>>> Grid.availablePositions grid
[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)]

>>> Grid.toList grid
[Just X, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just O]

Notice that the grid doesn't care about Tic-tac-toe's game logic so it's possible to do the following:

>>> let badGrid = Grid.set (0, 1) X (Grid.set (1, 1) X Grid.empty)

XO.Game is used to enforce the game logic.


>>> import XO.Game as Game

>>> let game0 = Game.new X
>>> game0
{ grid = ........., turn = X }
-- The grid is empty and it's X's turn to play

>>> let Right game1 = Game.play (0, 0) game0
>>> game1
{ grid = X........, turn = O, lastPosition = (0,0) }
-- X was marked at (0, 0) and it's now O's turn to play

>>> let Right game2 = Game.play (2, 2) game1
>>> game2
{ grid = X.......O, turn = X, lastPosition = (2,2) }
-- O was marked at (2, 2) and it's now X's turn to play and so on ...

>>> Game.play (0, 0) game2
Left Unavailable

>>> Game.play (2, 3) game2
Left OutOfBounds

>>> Game.grid game2
>>> Game.turn game2
>>> Game.outcome game2

If you explore the implementation of XO.Game you'd notice that it's impossible to violate the rules of Tic-tac-toe.


>>> import XO.AI as AI

>>> AI.getPositions game2
[(0, 2), (2, 0)]
-- If X is marked at one of these positions then with perfect play X can win

>>> let Right game3 = Game.play (0, 2) game2

>>> let Right game4 = Game.play (0, 1) game3

>>> AI.getPositions game4
[(2, 0)]

>>> let Right game5 = Game.play (2, 0) game4

--    0   1   2
-- 0  X | O | X
--   ---+---+---
-- 1    |   |
--   ---+---+---
-- 2  X |   | O
-- You see, X's win is inevitable now

>>> let Right game6 = Game.play (1, 0) game5
>>> AI.getPositions game6
[(1, 1)]

>>> let Right game7 = Game.play (1, 1) game6
-- X won

>>> Game.grid game7
>>> Game.turn game7
>>> Game.outcome game7
Just Win

Since XO.Referee is intended to be used only by XO.Game and XO.AI I won't illustrate its usage here. However, I invite you to check out its implementation.

Each library module has extensive unit test coverage which can be found here. If you need more examples of how the library is intended to be used then you will find it instructive to read the tests.

More on the executable

Execution starts with the main function in the Main module. The command-line options are parsed into the XO.CLI.Options.Options data type which is then passed to the XO.CLI.Orchestrator.run function. If a human is involved in the game play then the XO.CLI.Orchestrator.Interative.run function is called with the appropriate arguments. Otherwise, the computer is playing against itself and the XO.CLI.Orchestrator.Noninteractive.run function is called with the appropriate arguments.

Read the source code of the XO.CLI.Orchestrator.Interative and XO.CLI.Orchestrator.Noninterative modules to fully understand how the game play is managed.