
My first website.

Primary LanguageHTML

A link (URL) to your published portfolio website


A link to your GitHub repo


Description of your portfolio website, including,


Functionality / features



Target audience

Tech stack (e.g. html, css, deployment platform, etc)

The purpose of this website is to showcase my development skills to potential employers. This website needs to highlight different development skills that I've learnt in my time at Coder Academy. The way in which I will convey these skills is through the development of the website and coding itself and the portfolio in which I will display my coding works.

The functionality of the website must be simple and practical. All links must work as intended and the website should offer an easy user experience across multiple devices. The core features of the website will include a navigation menu, main body content, a footer, a blog, images, a form, and links to social media pages as per the assessment guideline requirements.

The sitemap will operate in a very basic structure with the index.html page operating as the home and parent. The child pages will be About, Portfolio, Blog and Contact. There will be no grandchildren pages. In the footer of the website there will be links to external sources that wil be mentioned in the site architecture (sitemap).

The target audience of this website will be potential employers in the tech industry. For this reason it is imperative that the website is professional, functional, and user friendly.

The technologies used in developing this website will be primarily HTML5, SCSS, and a small amount of Javascript.