
Fetch Resmed CPAP data from ez Share WiFi SD Card using Windows Powershell

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Fetch Resmed CPAP data from ez Share WiFi SD Card using Windows Powershell

Basic instructions

Tested on

  • Windows 11 with Powershell Version 5.1
  • ez Share SDHC + Wi-fi Adapter card (the white one)
  • 32GB micro SD card

Connect to your ez Share Card (basic/minimal instructions)

  • Open your WiFi Chooser

    • You'll need at least one WiFi card on your Windows computer
    • Ideally you'll have both Wired Ethernet (for Internet) and WiFi card for ez Share Card
    • If you only have WiFi, you'll need to switch between home network & ez Share Card
  • Find "ez Share" in the list of WiFi networks

  • Click Connect (The ez Share default password is: 88888888)

  • When connected to ez Share card via WiFi, click

  • The version information from my ez Share WiFi card is below not all ez Share WiFi adapters will work

    LZ1801EDPG:1.0.0:2016-03-19:72 LZ1801EDRS:1.0.0:2016-03-19:72 SPEED:-H:SPEED

Note: this script has not been exhaustively tested. It works for me. Your mileage may vary.


Step 1 - Download ezfetch.ps1 from github

Step 2 - Add ezshare.card to hosts file

Since the ezcard HTTP servers redirects you to host called 'ezshare.card' you will need to modify the local hosts file on your Windows computer. This is the one step that will require you to be in Adminstrator mode on your PC.

  • Start your favorite text editor (e.g. Notepad) in Administrator Mode
    • Click Windows -> Type Notepad
    • Right click on Notepad
    • Choose "Run as Administrator" to run in Administrator Mode
    • Start the application
  • (Assuming Notepad) - Click File -> Open
  • Open File: %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Add the text below to the end of the hosts file    ezshare.card
  • Save the file
  • Close the editor

Step 3 - Confirm ezshare.card hostname works

  • Click Windows -> Type Powershell
  • Click on Windows Powershell App (do not start as Administrator)
  • Enter the following command in Powershell
ping ezshare.card
  • If the hostname file was edited correctly, you should see the following:
Pinging ezshare.card [] with 32 bytes of data
  • Note: The ping test itself will likely fail (Request timed out), that's OK. You want to make sure you see this part: ezshare.card []

Step 4 - Navigate to installation folder in Powershell application

  • Navigate to the folder where you installed ezfetch.ps1
  • In the Powershell application you started above
    • use dir command to see contents of folder and
    • use cd command to change to the correct folder
  • Note: If you have OneDrive, you may need to go to OneDrive folder first

Step 5 - create the data directory

  • In the folder with ezfetch.ps1
  • Enter the following command in Powershell
md data

Step 6 - Confirm you can access the card

  • Enter the following command in Powershell
ping ezshare.card
  • This time you should see a Reply from the card like this
Pinging ezshare.card [] with 32 bytes of data: 
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=255 
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=255 
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=255 
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=255 
  • If you don't see replies from the ez Share card, go back and troubleshoot

Step 7 - Run the ezshare.ps1 script

  • Enter the following command in Powershell
  • Watch as your data is downloaded (grab some coffee it will likely be slow)
  • Subsequent runs will skip files already downloaded