
Quickly install kube-state-metrics, prometheus, and grafana on your cluster with helm.

Primary LanguageSmarty


Quickly install kube-state-metrics, prometheus, and grafana on your cluster with helm. Requires a helm installation.

git clone https://github.com/AjayTripathy/kubecost-quickstart.git

cd kubecost-quickstart

We package a suggestion for roles and role-based access control for your helm service.From the kubecost-quickstart directory, run:

kubectl apply -f helm.yaml

After running this, or if you have your own helm service roles already set up, run:

helm install --debug --dry-run cost-analyzer --name cost-analyzer --namespace monitoring

View the dashboard locally with

kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring deployment/cost-analyzer-grafana 3000

Sample Cluster Dashboard Here:

Sample Dashboard