A simple OpenGL based graphics engine that works on Desktop JVM, Android and in browsers with Javascript / WebGL.
This library is a stripped-down and refactored version of kool.
Android version is now merged into main branch, but in IntelliJ the kotlin-platform-android plugin still behaves a bit odd (IntelliJ 2018.1 EAP). Android build can be disabled by removing the two android modules from settings.gradle...
- Full support of all features on all platforms
- Multi-touch support (on Android and Javascript / WebGL)
- Cascaded shadow maps
- Normal mapping
- Multi-scene / multi-viewport support
- Some simple UI stuff: Text-Fields, (Toggle-)Buttons, Sliders, Labels
- Meshes with shared geometry
- Lazy and delayed texture loading
- View frustum culling of scene objects
- Ray picking on scene objects
- Mouse hover events for scene objects
- Simple animations
- Text rendering using arbitrary fonts. For now character set is fixed but theoretically it has unicode support :)
- Mouse controlled camera
- Simple scene graph
- Mesh building functions for several primitive 3D shapes
- Shading with different light (Phong / Gouraud) and color models (vertex, texture or fixed)
For more example code checkout kxg-demo project.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Initialize platform and kxg context
val ctx = createContext()
// Set some background color
ctx.clearColor = Color(0.05f, 0.15f, 0.25f, 1f)
// Create scene contents
ctx.scenes += scene {
// Add a mouse-controlled camera manipulator (actually a specialized TransformGroup)
+sphericalInputTransform {
// Set some initial rotation so that we look down on the scene
setMouseRotation(20f, -30f)
// camera pans in y-plane (y is up-axis, camera can move along x and z axis)
panMethod = yPlanePan()
// panning / camera translation is limited to a certain area
translationBounds = BoundingBox(Vec3f(-50f), Vec3f(50f))
// Add camera to the transform group
// Add a TransformGroup with a rotating cube
+transformGroup {
// Create an Animator to animate the cube rotation
val cubeAnimator = LinearAnimator(InterpolatedFloat(0f, 360f))
cubeAnimator.repeating = Animator.REPEAT
cubeAnimator.duration = 20f
// Update the rotation animation
onPreRender += { ctx ->
val angle = cubeAnimator.tick(ctx)
rotate(angle * 5, Vec3f.Y_AXIS)
rotate(angle, Vec3f.X_AXIS)
// Add the color cube mesh
+colorMesh("Cube") {
// The generator function is called to initially generate the mesh geometry
generator = {
// Generate cube mesh with every face set to a different color
cube {
// make it colorful
// set origin of cube to the center instead of lower left back corner
// Finally run the whole thing
Library is published on bintray. Use it with gradle:
repositories {
maven { url TODO }
dependencies {
compile 'com.codeviking.kxg-jvm:0.1.2' // for a JVM project
compile 'com.codeviking.kxg-js:0.1.2' // for a Javascript project
compile 'com.codeviking.kxg-common:0.1.2' // for common module of a multi-platform project
Best OpenGL tutorial page I came across so far. Cascaded shadow maps, vertex shader mesh animation and normal mapping implementations are based on tutorials from this page.
Also nice OpenGL tutorials. View frustum culling is based on one of them (I use the Radar Approach).
Modeling Trees with a Space Colonization Algorithm
A nice paper about procedural generation of trees. Tree demo is based on that one.
Javascript audio synthesizer. Melody of synthie demo is taken from here ("unexpected-token"). My implementation is quite different though...