- 1
Exception when trying to encode message
#158 opened by stefanchrobot - 1
timestamp reordering (should be first)
#168 opened by arianf - 0
Useless Access Modifier
#167 opened by arianf - 24
TCP logging breaks rails when connection breaks
#126 opened by brendenyule - 2
- 0
LogstashLogger's Tagged Formatter and ActiveSupport Tagged Formatter are no longer the same
#166 opened by krainboltgreene - 4
LogStashLogger must not fail with an exception
#159 opened by stefanchrobot - 0
Support for `shift_size` and `shift_age`
#164 opened by arianf - 0
- 0
Logstash File Logger - resetting makes fail
#160 opened by AlexRiedler - 2
- 5
ERROR -- : [LogStashLogger::Device::TCP] OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError - SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=unknown state
#93 opened by stephanlindauer - 4
Buffer not working with multi_logger
#106 opened by GabKlein - 1
TCP device loses events through timeout proxy
#156 opened by sheldonh - 0
Add pre and post custom_event
#154 opened by idoa01 - 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
Not everybody has logstash installed
#146 opened by lackita - 1
What's the story for log rotation when using this gem?
#145 opened by arianf - 3
ssl_enable: true used alone raise an exception
#144 opened by collimarco - 5
Most logs are lost
#143 opened by collimarco - 1
Cancelled events are being logged
#133 opened by gdeoliveira - 2
- 2
Default logging is still in JSON format
#139 opened by arianf - 1
`log_tags` breaking LogStash parser?
#137 opened by cabello - 1
[Question] HTTP Support
#135 opened by bdahon - 3
Issue - initialize logger with certificate file path does not work for ruby 2.4.1
#132 opened by vuhailuyen1991 - 14
Duplicate massages
#128 opened by shamil - 4
- 4
Having trouble with small logging events
#110 opened by clarkent86 - 1
- 1
NPE on tagged logger
#123 opened by lanxx019 - 1
to_json in rails project is slow
#117 opened by stereobooster - 7
undefined method `current_tags' for nil:NilClass
#112 opened by es1o - 10
Character limit for json_lines
#109 opened by clarkent86 - 1
Can I remove @timestamp or @version?
#104 opened by kkbaranski - 2
Logs stop pushing
#105 opened by stefansedich - 1
Unable to use Ruby Logger as Buffer logger
#101 opened by epchris - 3
Kafka client Poseidon is unsupported
#100 opened by brycemcd - 4
Buffer is leaking a thread every time it's full
#99 opened by fbernier - 3
- 4
- 3
Messages not sending while using rails runner
#91 opened by kenanokeefe - 7
Error when Errno::ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused
#88 opened by jbatalle - 6
Exception when using Rails 5.0.0
#86 opened by anmarchenko - 8
Too many open files - socket(2)
#85 opened by collimarco - 7
- 4
How to Satisfy this activerecord-session_store Silencer Module Requirement?
#79 opened by DaveCollinsJr - 6
json_lines for redis.conf?
#76 opened by keepcosmos