A demo app using cdk-keycloak
CDK construct.
- Config the AWS CLI Profile.
- AWS CDK will use the account and region info in the AWS CLI Profile.
- Clone this project and head to the project root folder:
- Prepare an SSL certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
- The certificate needs to be created in the
region. - Create or List
- Create:
aws acm request-certificate --domain-name your-keycloak-fqdn.example.com --validation-method DNS --region us-east-1
- List:
aws acm list-certificates --region us-east-1
- Create:
- You will get one CertificateArn, please export it in shell:
- Double check by
aws acm describe-certificate --certificate-arn $CDK_KEYCLOAK_DEMO_ACM_ARN --region us-east-1
- The certificate needs to be created in the
yarn install
cdk --profile YOUR_AWS_PROFILE_HERE bootstrap
orcdk bootstrap
cdk --profile YOUR_AWS_PROFILE_HERE deploy
orcdk deploy
cdk-keycloak-demo.KeyCloakDatabaseDBSecretArn28BEB641 = arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:cdkkeycloakdemoKeyCloakData-3Qgb450KwBmV-LMFewo
cdk-keycloak-demo.KeyCloakDatabaseclusterEndpointHostname38FB0D1E = cdk-keycloak-demo-keycloakdatabaseauroraserverles-1skwwcoquy73i.cluster-ci8vgfirqmau.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
cdk-keycloak-demo.KeyCloakDatabaseclusterIdentifierF00C250B = cdk-keycloak-demo-keycloakdatabaseauroraserverles-1skwwcoquy73i
cdk-keycloak-demo.KeyCloakKeyCloakContainerSerivceEndpointURL9C81E19A = cdk-k-KeyCl-AY91KM2YW97Y-2101860371.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
(Optional) Point the ELB endpoint (cdk-keycloak-demo.KeyCloakKeyCloakContainerSerivceEndpoint) as CNAME to your DNS.
Visit ELB endpoint with
in your browser. For example:
- In the browser, click on
Administration Console
- Username:
- Password: Go to your AWS Management Console (open in another separated browser tab) --> Secret Manager --> Find a secret named in this format KeyCloakKCSecret9C81E19A-ID9ylhpKNagG --> Secret value --> Click button Retrieve secret value --> You will see the password.
If you want to have a cost-efficient setup during your testing period, and you are sort of familiar with Amazon ECS, then you can follow these steps:
- Finish all the steps of Getting Started section.
- The CDK construct cdk-keycloak is using 4 CPU and 30G Memory by default. We are going to modify the ECS Task Definition to downsize to 2 CPU and 4G Memory.
- Go to AWS Management Console --> Amazon ECS --> Task Definition --> find a task definition named in this format cdkkeycloakdemoKeyCloakKeyCloakContainerSerivceTaskDefD7137FEC --> Create new revision --> Modify the task size CPU and Memory.
- Go to AWS Management Console --> Amazon ECS --> Clusters --> find a ECS cluster named in this format cdk-keycloak-demo-KeyCloakKeyCloakContainerSerivceClusterD83FE84F-wM51y5hWsiq8 --> Click the only one service --> Update it --> Select the Task Definition Revision to fit the revision number of previous step; also you can set Number of tasks to 1. --> Click all the Next step buttons.
More detailed setup screenshots and work with CloudFront Extension OAuth2, please visit Ernest's blog post: