
docker file for use with androguard python android app analysis tool

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Docker file for building androguard dependencies w/ an optional interactive shell environment.


This will use the pre-built image on the public registry (see this)

$ docker pull dweinstein/androguard
$ docker run -t -i dweinstein/androguard /bin/bash
root@1fe111e78fc6:/# /opt/androlyze.sh -s

Similarly this will start the androlyze shell by default (the -v option is to mount a folder from the host to the guest):

$ docker run -t -i -v /path/to/apks:/data dweinstein/androguard
Androlyze version 2.0
In [1]: apk = APK('/data/test.apk')

In [2]: apk.get_activities()
Out[2]: ['com.example.gangrene.GangreneActivity']


$ docker build -t androguard .