
A small weather app built using Async/Await, Promises and the Open Weather API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small weather app built using Async/Await, Promises and the OpenWeather API


Key Features :

  • Users can search for the current weather and five-day forecast for any place on Earth, via the free OpenWeather API

  • Displays key weather metrics such as temperature, current weather icon and description, location-specific date and time, as well as the "feels-like" temperature, humidity, wind-speed, and sunrise/sunset

  • Users can easily switch between temperature units (°C & °F) for current weather and the five-day forecast

  • Makes use of JavaScript's built-in Geolocation API (as well as OpenCage Data's Reverse Geocoding API) to display the weather according to each user's actual location on page-load

  • Background image changes depending on the weather condition and the time of day

  • Features a responsive, mobile-friendly design

Learning Outcomes :

  • Strengthened understanding of working with asynchronous functions, using async, await, and the JavaScript Promise API

  • Learned how to fetch and parse data by working with several different APIs

  • Improved ability to manipulate date-times and to work with UTC times

Built as part of the open-source Odin Project curriculum

Icon image credit: flaticon