Frontend Mentor - Meet Landing Page

Design preview for the Meet Landing page coding challenge

I've been away in JavaScript Land since January so it was really nice, and challenging to get back to CSS. I have forgotten a lot over the last six months so I wanted to take the chance to relearn things I never felt confident with.

I've done my best to avoid the use of breakpoints in this challenge. It's an experiment and not good enough for a production level site (a couple of layout shifts don't work), but it was really interesting to push the boundaries of my knowledge of 'intrinsic design'.

A lot of the approach I've tried to apply here comes from the work Stephanie Eckles has been doing on intrinsic design.

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements

Lessons learnt

  • 💡 Focusing on intrinsic design forced me to improve my knowledge of modern CSS functions (min, max, clamp, and flex and grid etc.)
  • 💡 I like the overall approach of structuring the page along these principles, and only using breakpoints to 'tweak' things
  • 💡 CUBE CSS seems to play really nicely with this approach, I think as container queries come online this approach will become more practical


I know that a couple of layout shifts are not working. But, as mentioned above, I was really trying to develop my knowledge of intrinsic design approaches, and avoid breakpoints in this challenge.

I would very much welcome advice on the following issues:

  • ⚠️ Can things be improve without adding extra rules in the media queries. I think I only have two rules in one breakpoint at the moment - relating to text-alignment in the footer and order in the hero section.

Future learning

  • 🙇‍♂️ I want to keep pushing on my learning an intrinsic design approach, but I'll allow myself more use of breakpoints so that the final product is more finished.