Frontend Mentor - Sunnyside agency landing page

Design preview for the Sunnyside agency landing page coding challenge


I enjoyed building this page as it seemed to play will with an 'intrinsic design' approach. I feel like I'm getting better and more used to this approach, and I think it's a lovely way to build pages. I only used one breakpoint in this design which is to adjust the alignment of text in some sections.


  • 🔗 For the burger menu I used Andy Bell's fully-responsive, progressively enhanced burger menu. The link provides a very thorough and in-depth guide to building one.
  • 🔗 For many of the utility classes I used guidance from Every Layout, which is kind of living up to its name. I took my a while to appreciate the approaches it advocates, but am increasingly appreciating them.

Future learning

  • 🙇‍♂️ I'm learning React in the background to all this, so want to concentrate on layout for a few challenges now while I build up some core skills in React and hopefully get to try a project using it before too long.