Frontend Mentor - Interactive comments section

Design preview for the Interactive comments section coding challenge


I've been learning React for a few weeks and wanted to have a go at a project. I was looking for something that re-used a lot of components, and would allow me to apply all the concepts I've been learning about. This was the perfect level of difficulty for me. Hard, but I was able to tackle most things and learnt a lot along the way.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete comments and replies
  • Upvote and downvote comments
  • Bonus: If you're building a purely front-end project, use localStorage to save the current state in the browser that persists when the browser is refreshed.
  • Bonus: Instead of using the createdAt strings from the data.json file, try using timestamps and dynamically track the time since the comment or reply was posted.

Expected behaviour

  • First-level comments should be ordered by their score, whereas nested replies are ordered by time added.
  • Replying to a comment adds the new reply to the bottom of the nested replies within that comment.
  • A confirmation modal should pop up before a comment or reply is deleted.
  • Adding a new comment or reply uses the currentUser object from within the data.json file.
  • You can only edit or delete your own comments and replies.
  • I added the ability to change users, just for fun and to test out some of the concepts I've been learning.

Lessons learnt

  • 💡 Oh, man so many...
  • 💡 When using React, use React! I originally tried making the comments editable using the contentEditable html attribute. Although, this worked, React complained about this and I got on much better once I started replying on it to control everything.


  • ❗ Oh, man so many...
  • ❗ I still feel uneasy that I don't know what happens during the build step. The app didn't work on vercel, but did on netlify, and I've no idea why as yet!
  • ❗ I'm just using a script to create new components, and I don't really understand why I need an index.js file in every component folder! I feel like I really should at least understand that!


  • 🔗 I've been super lucky in that I'm one of the early testers on [Josh Comeau's Joy of React] course(, that he's currently working on. I loved his CSS course, so when I heard he was doing a React course I asked, and he kindly agreed to include me on the testing squad. I came into the course with zero React/any framework knowledge, and all I can say is that to me it looks like it's going to be an outstanding course.

Future learning

  • 🙇‍♂️ Carry on with Josh's course as he releases new modules. But if that's too slow I'll have to find another resource.