Python program to make a binary encoded backgroud pattern
important: !!! due to this project making use of transparancy all source files must be png or zip filled with png
Needs Pillow image library!
2 modes:
- directory search. If the 4th argument is missing the program will automatically search for a "patterns" folder in the pwd, if it is found it will geneate a background for any image tile it finds png or zip.
- Ex: python3 2070 1200 binary.txt
- this will generate many 2070 px wide, 1200 pix tall images based on the binary string in binary.txt with base tiles based on all the tiles/tile sets found in ./patterns
- single item. if you include a path to a specific image tile png or zip the program will only generate a background with that image
- Ex: python3 2070 1200 binary.txt ./patterns/
- this will generate an 2070 px wide, 1200 pix tall image based on the binary string in binary.txt with just the file as a set of base tiles.
2 types of generation:
- single tile, with just a png file each binary 1 will have that tile placed, and any binary 0 will be blank.
- multi tile, with a zip file the program looks for a set of images titled to match the below description and places them where other binary "pixels" surround them in the correct patterns.
- possible files for multi direction zip
- directions will be assigned a binary number based on:
- 1111 = urld
- meaning something that has up, right and downwould be 1101 or 13
- 0.png - 0b0000 - isl - island, no connections
- 1.png - 0b0001 - do - down only
- 2.png - 0b0010 - lo - left only
- 3.png - 0b0011 - ld - left and down
- 4.png - 0b0100 - ro - right only
- 5.png - 0b0101 - rd - right and down
- 6.png - 0b0110 - rl - right and left
- 7.png - 0b0111 - rld - right, left, and down
- 8.png - 0b1000 - uo - up only
- 9.png - 0b1001 - ud - up and down
- 10.png - 0b1010 - ul - up and left
- 11.png - 0b1011 - uld - up, left, and down
- 12.png - 0b1100 - ur - up and right
- 13.png - 0b1101 - urd - up, right, and down
- 14.png - 0b1110 - url - up, right, and left
- 15.png - 0b1111 - all - all directions