
Jupyter kernel to interact with a MicroPython or CircuitPython board over its serial REPL.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Jupyter MicroPython Kernel

Jupyter kernel to interact with a MicroPython or CircuitPython board over its serial REPL. Note this is highly experimental and still alpha/beta quality. Try it out but don't be surprised if it behaves in odd or unexpected ways!


Create and activate a virtualenv

$ python3 -m venv jupytermp
$ source jupytermp/bin/activate
(jupytermp) $

If running windows, the commmand would be

c:\Temp> python -m venv jupytermp
c:\Temp> myenv\Scripts\activate jupytermp\activate
(myenv) C:\Temp>

Install this package using pip

(jupytermp) $ pip install https://github.com/dwighthubbard/jupyter_micropython_kernel/zipball/master
Installing collected packages: wcwidth, six, prompt-toolkit, pyzmq, decorator, ipython-genutils, traitlets, jupyter-core, python-dateutil, tornado, jupyter-client, ptyprocess, pexpect, pickleshare, simplegeneric, backcall, parso, jedi, pygments, ipython, ipykernel, jupyter-console, jsonschema, nbformat, pandocfilters, entrypoints, testpath, webencodings, html5lib, bleach, mistune, MarkupSafe, jinja2, nbconvert, terminado, Send2Trash, notebook, qtconsole, widgetsnbextension, ipywidgets, jupyter, pyserial, jupyter-micropython-kernel
  Running setup.py install for tornado ... done
  Running setup.py install for simplegeneric ... done
  Running setup.py install for backcall ... done
  Running setup.py install for pandocfilters ... done
  Running setup.py install for MarkupSafe ... done
  Running setup.py install for jupyter-micropython-kernel ... done
Successfully installed MarkupSafe-1.0 Send2Trash-1.5.0 backcall-0.1.0 bleach-2.1.3 decorator-4.3.0 entrypoints-0.2.3 html5lib-1.0.1 ipykernel-4.8.2 ipython-6.4.0 ipython-genutils-0.2.0 ipywidgets-7.2.1 jedi-0.12.0 jinja2-2.10 jsonschema-2.6.0 jupyter-1.0.0 jupyter-client-5.2.3 jupyter-console-5.2.0 jupyter-core-4.4.0 jupyter-micropython-kernel-0.1.1 mistune-0.8.3 nbconvert-5.3.1 nbformat-4.4.0 notebook-5.5.0 pandocfilters-1.4.2 parso-0.2.1 pexpect-4.6.0 pickleshare-0.7.4 prompt-toolkit-1.0.15 ptyprocess-0.5.2 pygments-2.2.0 pyserial-3.4 python-dateutil-2.7.3 pyzmq-17.0.0 qtconsole-4.3.1 simplegeneric-0.8.1 six-1.11.0 terminado-0.8.1 testpath-0.3.1 tornado-5.0.2 traitlets-4.3.2 wcwidth-0.1.7 webencodings-0.5.1 widgetsnbextension-3.2.1
(jupytermp) $

Install the jupyter kernel

(jupytermp) $ python -m jupyter_micropython_kernel.install
DEBUG:__main__:Putting kernel in virtualenv share directory '/tmp/mpnotebook/share/jupyter'
INFO:__main__:Writing jupyter kernel to '/tmp/mpnotebook/share/jupyter/kernels/micropython/kernel.json'
(jupytermp) $

Now run Jupyter notebook:

(jupytermp) $ jupyter notebook

In the notebook click the New button in the upper right, you should see your MicroPython kernel display name listed. Click it to create a notebook using that board connection (make sure the board is connected first!).