- 1
Add support for Laravel 11
#238 opened by erickcomp - 0
Failed requirements for Laravel-10
#235 opened by txdFabio - 3
- 4
Add isEncryptedCastable
#230 opened by kiwina - 2
- 2
Lost Laravel 6 support
#227 opened by Cyrille37 - 2
ValidationException: Change $message when an ValidationException occurs during Tests?
#226 opened by JayDijkstra - 3
Support laravel 8
#223 opened by patrickcurl - 4
Issue with Laravel 7.x custom Casts and validation
#222 opened by Mechstud - 3
Laravel 7.x support
#220 opened by Mechstud - 0
Laravel 6 Support
#218 opened by hasnatbabur - 1
- 1
Custom validation rule in the model
#214 opened by snuzi - 2
Just a note regarding the
#213 opened by chriskonnertz - 1
[Sugestion] Add Validate Field
#212 opened by msyahidin - 2
Column names in message bag spaces
#210 opened by NoxxieNl - 1
Question about usage
#208 opened by kamov - 5
- 1
Add custom error to Model
#206 opened by wemteqdev - 1
Update to laravel 5.7
#204 opened by YannPl - 1
Objects or closures in rules unsupported
#200 opened by Propaganistas - 6
custom validator
#201 opened by maxdiable - 13
model validationAttributeNames
#199 opened by acodercat - 7
Little issue with "unique" rule
#197 opened - 2
- 4
Validates correctly but Messagebag always empty.
#194 opened by curtd59 - 1
laravel 5.5
#192 opened by dwenaus - 1
- 3
2.2.2 error happend
#189 opened - 4
Validation incorrect work with accessors
#177 opened by EugeneG9 - 3
- 4
LogicException with last release v3.1.0
#187 opened by Omranic - 0
saveOrReturn() raises an exception!
#181 opened by cartbeforehorse - 2
- 5
Override validation rules on delete
#178 opened by IvanRibakov - 1
Add custom error
#176 opened by EugeneG9 - 7
Validation does not fire on model->creating()
#175 opened by deonvdv - 2
Add how to use multiple rules to
#173 opened by dels07 - 5
- 5
Problem with casting
#170 opened by KonstantinKolodnitsky - 6
Exception isn't thrown with 5.3
#169 opened by pratyushbarik - 9
$model->isValid() doesn't fire validating event
#168 opened by adamthehutt - 7
Using Watson Validator with Form Requests
#167 opened by snipe - 2
Rules should be on the Validating trait
#166 opened by RomanDeNu - 2
_token field causing problems with fill()
#164 opened by johnmackenzie91 - 5
after date validation broken
#162 opened by lostincode - 5
why no ValidationException constructor ?
#161 opened by Cyrille37 - 4
- 9
- 1
Issue with Connections that use a table prefix when running unique validation
#155 opened by mxaddict