
Docker container for octoprint

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker container for OctoPrint

"OctoPrint provides a responsive web interface for controlling a 3D printer (RepRap, Ultimaker, ...). It is Free Software and released under the GNU Affero General Public License V3."

note: this container is not design for RaspberryPi but in case you want to used an available server/computer to connect to your 3D printer and to used docker to be able to used this computer/server for more that one function in your home/work/garage etc.

Install dependencies

To install docker in Ubuntu 18.04 use the commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

To install docker in other operating systems check docker online documentation


To run container use the command below:

$ docker run -d -p xxxx:5000 --device=/dev/ttyS0:/dev/ttyS0 quantumobject/docker-octoprint

note: maybe /dev/ttyS0 need to change to your computer serial port and maybe need to add -–device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 if want to have a camera checking what the printer is doing. (/dev/video0 maybe will be not the same for your system), in some situation can be used -v options (VOLUME).

Check port and point your browser to http://[ip]:xxxx/ to initially configure your OctoPrint.

Path for CureEngine configuration : /opt/CuraEngine/build/./CuraEngine

note: deploy this container behind proxy with SSL for extra security:



More Info

About octoprint octoprint.org

To help improve this container quantumobject/docker-octoprint

For additional info about us and our projects check our site www.quantumobject.org