
FastAPI Deployment to AWS Lambda using Serverless Framework

Primary LanguagePython



uvicorn main:app --reload

Deploy to AWS Lambda

Install serverless framework

npm install -g serverless

Install serverless plugins

npm install

Deploy it

serverless deploy \
    --region 'ap-southeast-1' \
    --stage 'dev' \
    --aws-profile 'default' \
    --iamrole 'paste-your-lambda-arn-role-here'

Change the options value with your own:

  • region: the AWS region that you wanna used
  • aws-profile: the AWS CLI Profile (default will be used if it's not provided)
  • stage: the default is dev, but you could change it with do you want (ex: staging)
  • iamrole: using the ARN Role that you are copied on the previous step

More explanation about this project is on this story https://dwisulfahnur.medium.com/fastapi-deployment-to-aws-lambda-with-serverless-framework-b637b455142c