
a simple angular calculator

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.3.

Demo here: https://dwjohnston.github.io/angular-calculator/


npm start


ng serve


npm test


ng test

Unit tests on the CalculatorEngine only.

Model / Core implementation

The core of the implementation is framework agnostic.

The calculation is done essentially by calling eval() on a valid math string.


Represents either a single digit, a ., or an operation (+,-, *, /).


  • isOperation boolean value to denote an operation. This should be replaced with an enum type value as the calculator vocabulary expands to opening parenthesis etc.
  • label - The label of the symbol - also it's literal value when being evalutated.


An enum like constant listing all of the symbols in our calculator, except =.


A plain javascript class, the does the calculation.


  • addSymbol(sym: ISymbol) - Attempt to add a symbol. If it is an operation and there are no preceeding numbers or it follows an existing operation, nothing will happen.

  • calculate() - Attempt to calculate the current list of operations. If the operation is invalid (ie. ends with an operation, or has no operations), it will return undefined. It will throw an error if encountering any syntax errors (eg 001+1 or 0..1 + 1).

  • getOperationList() - Return an array of ISymbol.

  • getOperationListAsString()- Return the operation list as a string.

What's a valid number?

The implementation of what is a syntatically correct string of symbols is not trivial - when you throw the . symbol in the mix. Should . be considered a number or an operator? Should 1+.1 be valid?

In this implementation, leading zeros (eg. 001) and multiple periods will throw an error. There are tests convering these scenarios.


Focus shifts to display on calculation, so screen readers can read it.