
A template for setting up a kubernetes cluster with a nginx/react frontend, and node/express backend apis.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a boilerplate template for running a React frontend and Express API application on a kubernetes cluster.


The React frontend (create-react-app) is compiled and runs off and nginx:alpine image.

The backend is a node:alpine image.

Development usage

With API in development.

I recommend opening two terminal windows - one for the backend, one for the frontend.

In development, you have two options for wiring this together.

Run API without docker

This is a good option to use if you are actively making changes on the API and the frontend.

In backend/ just run npm start - this will start nodemon running the application on port 3001.

In frontend/ run npm start. Requests to /api are proxied to localhost:3001/api.

Run API on kubernetes cluster, and proxy localhost to it.

to do

use kubectl port-forward to do this.

Against a static api (ie. testing or production)

This is a good option to use if you making changes to just the frontend, and need to use some liveish API data.

Running on Minikube

Look into each of the scripts folders to see what they do.

todo add kubernetes and minikube installation instructions

Starting Minikube:


Building images


Deploying to cluster


Hack your host file:

I don't quite like this step - and this is only necessary if you're going down the ingress route. Which is what we're doing here.

echo "$(minikube ip) template.example.com" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Converting this template for your own project usage

  • Replace docker image tag names from template/ to [yourprojectname]/.
  • Replace yaml app names from template to [yourprojectname]
  • Change the hosts name in the ingress.yaml to whatever you want. And change the host file to match.