0x00. AirBnB clone - The Console

The Holberton B&B


Command interpreter to manage AirBnb objects

  • Parent class (BaseModel) to take care of initialization, serialization, and deserialization of future instances
  • Flow of serialization/deserialization: Instance <-> Dictionary <-> JSON string <-> file
  • Creates all classes used for AirBnb (User, State, City, Place…) that inherit from BaseModel
  • Creates the first abstracted storage engine of the project: File storage
  • Creates all unittests to validate all our classes and storage engine


Like the Unix shell, the HBnB console works in both interactive and non-interactive modes. In interactive mode, it prints a prompt and waits for input from the user.

Interactive Mode

To begin interactive mode, run ./console.py from the command line

(hbnb) quit Quits console
(hbnb) EOF Quits console via EOF
(hbnb) help <command> Display help for
(hbnb) create <class> Create object and print id
(hbnb) show <class> <id> Show information about an object
(hbnb) destroy <class> <id> Destroy object
(hbnb) all <class> Show all instances of a class
(hbnb) update <class> <id> <attribute name> <attribute value> Creates or updates the attribute of a class

The commands create, show, destroy, all, and update can also be ran with the following syntax:
<class>.<command>(<optional id>, <optional arguments>)

Running the update() function to create a new instance of 'middle_name' for the User class this way would look like this: update.User("123-123-123-123", middle_name, Davmas)

Non-interactive Mode

From a bash-like command line echo "<command>" and pipe to ./console.py

$ echo "help" | ./console.py

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  all  count  create  destroy  help  quit  show  update

Running the Tests

To run unittests for this program, cd into root directory and run the following command: python3 -m unittest discover tests

Tests can be modified in the tests directory

Files Used in this Project

Models for all classes are located in the models directory.

file_storage.py Storage for saving information __file_path, __objects
base_model.py BaseModel class for all classes id, created_at, updated_at
user.py User class first_name, last_name, email, password
amenity.py Amenity class name
city.py City class state_id, name
state.py State class name
place.py Place class amenity_id, city_id, user_id, name, description, number_rooms, number_bathrooms, max_guest, price_by_night, latitude, longitude
review.py Review class place_id, user_id, text

Built With


David Kwan - github.com/dwkwan
Thomas Graeff - github.com/graefft