
Open license city-scale LIDAR scan of Launceston, Tasmania, AU


City of Launceston 3D Model

Skyline in Godot

A LIDAR scan of the City of Launceston, Tasmania, AU.


Available in multiple levels of detail in glTF format.

For FBX and Sketchup models, use the app:


Represented per tile. Total size is for each LOD dataset. Each LOD contains 142 tiles.

LOD Avg. Tris Texture Size Total Size
L15 4,786 128x128 56 MB
L16 5,847 256x256 76 MB
L17 9,192 512x512 148 MB
L18 18,707 1024x1024 394 MB
L19 42,625 2048x2048 1.2 GB
L20 94,980 4096x4096 3.9 GB

Total repo size: 5.8 GB


Licenced Under Creative Commons Licence - Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0). See LICENSE for more information.

Dataset Info

Each tile is a 200m x 200m square. Origins are at each tile center, with vertical location representing sea level.

(c) Launceston City Council 2013
Spatial Sciences Department
Contact 03 63233341

Acquisition Dates:  14th and 18th August July 2015
Capture Pixel Size: 2-3 cm and 5cm GSD
Horizontal Datum:   Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94)
Vertical Datum:     Australian Height Datum (AHD)
Map Projection:     MGA Zone 55 (Origin offsets X: 511491 Y: 5412892)
Spatial Accuracy:   0.05m absolute accuracy (XYZ)

Please note that this model has the above origin offsets applied 
for viewing purposes. Any measurements and data overlays need to 
take this into consideration.