
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A sample application and dataset for getting started with Couchbase 4.0. The application runs a single page UI for demonstrating query capabilities. The application uses Couchbase Server + Node.js + Express + Angular and boostrap. The application is a flight planner that allows the user to search for and select a flight route (including return flight) based on airports and dates. Airport selection is done dynamically using an angular typeahead bound to cb server query. Date selection uses date time pickers and then searches for applicable air flight routes from a previously populated database.

Installation and Configuration

The steps below assume you are running a standalone couchbase instance running kv, indexing, and query services on the same server where the node application will also be running. The config.json file in the root of this application can be edited to handle more complex topologies such as running couchbase server inside a vm.

  • [1] Install a Couchbase Server, with integrated query service, and start the server. There is no need to manually configure the server through the admin UI, steps 3 and 4 (below) will automatically provision couchbase and the application.

  • [2] Install Node.js

  • [3] Make a directory, clone this repo, install dependencies, start the application. From a terminal:

    mkidr ~/try-cb
    git clone https://github.com/ToddGreenstein/try-cb-nodejs.git $ ~/try-cb
    cd ~/try-cb
    npm install
    node app.js

  • [4] Open a browser and load the url http://localhost:3000

NOTE: Once the application has provisioned the cluster it will update the config.json file and set "autoprovision":false. The app can then be stopped and started and it will not attempt to provision the cluster again.


GET /api/airport/findAll?search=<search string> [RETURNS: {"airportname":"<airport name>"} for typeahead airports passed in the query string in the parameter "search"]

--Used for Typeahead
--Queries for Airport by Name, FAA code or ICAO code.

GET /api/flightPath/findAll?from=<from airport>&to=<to airport>&leave=<leave date>&ret=<return date> [RETURNS: {"sourceairport":"<faa code>","destinationairport":"<faa code>","name":"<airline name>","equipment":"<list of planes airline uses for this route>"} of available flight routes]

--Populates the available flights panel on successful query.
--Queries for available flight route by FAA codes, and joins against airline information to provide airline name.

POST /api/user/login request body {"user":<user>,"password":<encrypted password>} [RETURNS:{encrypted JSON Web Token}]

--Creates a new user.
--Returns an Encrypted JSON Web Token used by the Application

GET /api/user/login?user=<user>&password=<encrypted password>[RETURNS:{<success or failure>:<error or encrypted JSON Web Token>}]

--Logs in a user
--Returns success and JSON Web Token OR failure and error message

POST /api/user/flights request body {"token":<JSON Web Token>,"flights":<group of flights to book>} [RETURNS:{"added":<number of flights booked in this request>}]

--Checks if user is logged in from the JSON Web Token and then if token is correct it will book the list of flights passed in.
--Returns number of flights added if successful, or error.

POST /api/user/flights?token=<JSON Web Token> [RETURNS:{list of flights previously booked specific to user}]

--Checks if the user is logged in from the JSON Web Token and then if token is correct it will return a list of previously booked flights.
--Returns JSON Array of Documents of previously booked flights, or error.