
Tutorial on creating a multi-course training Power App using SharePoint

MIT LicenseMIT

How to - Training platform using SharePoint



This course will teach you how to create a platform for presenting content like tutorials.

You will be using Microsoft 365 SharePoint as the data store and Power Apps as the tool for presenting to the end users. If you follow the lessons as laid out you'll end up with a fully functioning learning platform. Once you have the core application working you can then expand the functionality as needed by your own organization.

Take aways?

  • By using SharePoint, there is no additional licensing
  • Entire system is driven by SharePoint lists
  • Multiple courses along with multiple users
  • Course and lesson completion is tracked between sessions
  • Minimal screens used to avoid dreaded flicker
  • This is a tablet/desktop app and not intended for mobile phones

I am confident you will find value with the lessons and most likely see many more uses for an app like this.

To use:

  1. Right side of the GitHub page
  2. Under the Releases section
  3. Click on the latest release
  4. You'll be taken to the release page
  5. Click on the HowTo-TrainingPlatformUsingSharePoint.zip file
  6. Download should start, note the download location
  7. From within your PowerApp studio
  8. Select Apps in the left nav
  9. From the top toolbar, select Import canvas app
  10. When asked, navigate to the download location
  11. Select the HowTo-TrainingPlatformUsingSharePoint.zip file
  12. Then follow the prompts
  13. Once imported, publish and run the app
