
OpenAI Gym Environment for traffic lights simulation

Primary LanguagePython


OpenAI Gym Environment for traffic lights simulation:

  • Street network as directed graph
    • The world consists of multiple intersections.
    • Intersections are connected with streets.
    • Intersections have traffic lights for each incoming street.
    • Traffic lights can either be red or green.
    • For each intersection there cannot be more than one green light.
    • Vehicles can spawn at some intersections with a predefined route.
    • Vehicles drive on streets and stop at red traffic lights.
    • Vehicles do not crash into each other.

An Agent has to control the traffic lights.

Example using the graph_3x3circle-world and the ppo-meta-acceleration-agent:


This project was solved using Python 3.8.6


  • OpenAI gym (pip intall gym)
  • PyTorch (Installation Guide)
  • OpenCV (pip install opencv-python) (for visualization)
  • tqdm (pip install tqdm) (for progressbar in evaluation)
  • stable-baselines3 (for training agents) (pip install stable-baselines3)


There are different environment and reward types which can be combined in any way:

Environment types

There are two different environments from which one can choose:

Multi-Discrete environment (Conventional approach)

In this environment all traffic lights have to be controlled simultaneously.

The observationspace varies depending on the design of the used street network.

The actionspace can be described as Multi-Discrete, as every intersection has its own discrete action.

From this following features derive:

Features Features
Fully observable YES Partially observable NO
Static NO Dynamic YES
Discrete NO Continuous YES
Deterministic NO Stochastic YES
Single agent YES Multi-agent NO
Competitive NO Collaborative YES
Episodic YES Sequential NO

Single-Discrete environment (Generalized approach)

In this environment only on intersection can be controlled at one timestep and observation is only given for this intersection. It is assumed that there are k incoming streets at every intersection.

This results in a observationspace of k values, independent of the intersection or design of the street network.

The actionspace is a single discrete action ranging from 0 to k for each timestep.

Therefore a slightly different feature-matrix derives:

Features Features
Fully observable NO Partially observable YES
Static NO Dynamic YES
Discrete NO Continuous YES
Deterministic NO Stochastic YES
Single agent YES Multi-agent NO
Competitive NO Collaborative YES
Episodic YES Sequential NO


mean velocity

With this reward type the mean velocity for all vehicles is calculated and normalized around approximately 0: r=(r'-5)/5

mean acceleration

With this reward type the acceleration is calculated by dividing the difference of two mean velocities by dt.


Conventional approach

parameter description possible settings/default
horizon number of steps in until done 1000
calculation_frequency time steps in which the simulation is calculated 0.01
action_frequency time which has to pass until env asks for new action 1
reward_type Method that gives the reward mean_velocity, acceleration

Generalized approach

parameter description possible settings/default
world The actual design of the street network
horizon number of steps in until done 1000
calculation_frequency time steps in which the simulation is calculated 0.01
action_frequency time which has to pass until env asks for new action 1
reward_type Method that gives the reward mean_velocity, acceleration
shuffle_streets order of observation is randomized if set to true. Can be helpful for training True, False
k Number of streets that should be considered 8

Hardware Setup

The training was done with following setup:

OS Windows 10, Version 1909
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 CPU @ 3.10GHz, 3096 MHz
RAM 32GB DDR4 (2666MHz)
GPU NVIDIA Quadro P2200


An example for training an agent with this environment is given in src/examples/train.py Execute with:

cd src
python examples/train.py


Each model was evaluated at least 5 times. To verify these results one can use the savepoints provided in this repository and the evaluate.py in src/examples.

Conventional approach

Algorithm Mean Velocity Sum reward/1000 steps (acceleration) Steps/Hours trained
random 4.200 2.626 -
ppo-acceleration 6.120 4.672 1.5M steps (~10 hours)

Generalized approach

Algorithm Mean Velocity Sum reward/1000 steps (acceleration) Steps/Hours trained
random 5.525 5.645 -
argmax 8.115 8.023 -
PPO-velocity 6.383 5.815 1.5M steps (~9h)
PPO-velocity-shuffled 7.736 8.548 1.25M steps (~ 7.5h)
PPO-acceleration-shuffled-1 7.991 7.522 1.25M steps (~ 7.5h)
PPO-acceleration-shuffled-2 7.987 5.775 1.25M steps (~ 7.5h)