You need to either create an environment or update an existing environment. After creating an environment you have to activate it:
conda activate pyPDPPartitioner
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda env update -f environment.yml --prune
pip install pyPDPPartitioner
For HPO-Bench examples, you further need to install HPOBench from git (e.g. pip install git+
To use this package you need
- A Blackbox function (a function that gets any input and outputs a score)
- A Configuration Space that matches the required input of the blackbox function
There are some synthetic Blackbox-functions implemented that are ready to use:
f = StyblinskiTang.for_n_dimensions(3) # Create 3D-StyblinskiTang function
cs = f.config_space # A config space that is suitable for this function
To sample points for fitting a surrogate, there are multiple samplers available:
- RandomSampler
- GridSampler
- BayesianOptimizationSampler with Acquisition-Functions:
- LowerConfidenceBound
- (ExpectedImprovement)
- (ProbabilityOfImprovement)
sampler = BayesianOptimizationSampler(f, cs)
All algorithms require a SurrogateModel
, which can be fitted with, y)
and yields means and variances with SurrogateModel.predict(X)
Currently, there is only a GaussianProcessSurrogate
surrogate = GaussianProcessSurrogate(), sampler.y)
There are some available algorithms:
- DecisionTreePartitioner
- RandomForestPartitioner
Each algorithm needs:
- A
- One or many selected hyperparameter
- samples
Samples can be randomly generated via
# Algorithm.from_random_points(...)
ice = ICE.from_random_points(surrogate, selected_hyperparameter="x1")
Also, all other algorithms can be built from an ICE-Instance.
pdp = PDP.from_ICE(ice)
dt_partitioner = DecisionTreePartitioner.from_ICE(ice)
rf_partitioner = RandomForestPartitioner.from_ICE(ice)
The Partitioners can split the Hyperparameterspace of not selected Hyperparameters into multiple regions. The best region can be obtained using the incumbent of the sampler.
incumbent_config = sampler.incumbent_config
dt_region = dt_partitioner.get_incumbent_region(incumbent_config)
rf_partitioner.partition(max_depth=1, num_trees=10)
rf_region = rf_partitioner.get_incumbent_region(incumbent_config)
Finally, a new PDP can be obtained from the region. This PDP has the properties of a single ICE-Curve since the mean of the ICE-Curve results in a new ICE-Curve.
pdp_region = region.pdp_as_ice_curve
Most components can create plots. These plots can be drawn on a given axis or are drawn on plt.gca()
by default.
sampler.plot() # Plots all samples
surrogate.plot_means() # Plots mean predictions of surrogate
surrogate.plot_confidences() # Plots confidences
surrogate.acq_func.plot() # Plot acquisition function of surrogate model
ice.plot() # Plots all ice curves. Only possible for 1 selected hyperparameter
ice_curve = ice[0] # Get first ice curve
ice_curve.plot_values() # Plot values of ice curve
ice_curve.plot_confidences() # Plot confidences of ice curve
ice_curve.plot_incumbent() # Plot position of smallest value
pdp.plot_values() # Plot values of pdp
pdp.plot_confidences() # Plot confidences of pdp
pdp.plot_incumbent() # Plot position of smallest value
dt_partitioner.plot() # only 1 selected hp, plots all ice curves in different color per region
dt_partitioner.plot_incumbent_cs(incumbent_config) # plot config space of best region
rf_partitioner.plot_incumbent_cs(incumbent_config) # plot incumbent config of all trees
region.plot_values() # plot pdp of region
region.plot_confidences() # plot confidence of pdp in region
Source: tests/sampler/
- 1D-Surrogate model with mean + confidence
- acquisition function
Source: tests/sampler/
- Underlying blackbox function (2D-Styblinski-Tang)
- Samples from RandomSampler
- Samples from BayesianOptimizationSampler
Source: tests/algorithms/
- All ICE-Curves from 2D-Styblinski-Tang with 1 selected Hyperparameter
Source: tests/algorithms/
- 2D PDP (means)
- 2D PDP (confidences)
- All Samples for surrogate model
Source: examples/ (num_grid_points_per_axis=100
- 2D PDP (means)
Source: tests/algorithms/partitioner/
- All ICE-Curves splitt into 8 different regions (3 splits) (used 2D-Styblinski-Tang with 1 selected hyperparameter)
Source: tests/algorithms/partitioner/
- All Leaf-Config spaces from Decision Tree Partitioner with 3D-Styblinski-Tang Function and 1 Selected Hyperparameter (
) - 2D-Styblinkski-Tang in background