
Log analyzer tool for ACP

Primary LanguageC#


Log analyzer tool for ACP

The ACP Log Analyzer app provides a quick and easy mechanism for generating an informational report on your ACP-based observing activities. This can be for the previous evening, the last month, or as long as you've been using ACP (and have the log files related to your observing sessions).

ACP Log Analyzer makes it easy to find out, for example, what your average pointing error is when slewing to objects, what your average FWHM is, how many plate solves failed, how many times an auto-focus run succeeded/failed, etc. This can be done for a single log or for many hundreds, and you can view summarized information about each log and/or overall results for the entire set of log files. And ACP Log Analyzer works quickly too, normally completing in a few seconds or less, even when parsing several hundred logs.