This project is my final assignment to take the degree of facilities at Ahmad Dahlan University [paper]. This application is useful for providing sentiment info on comments and posts in blog posts (wordpress). in this project the method what i use to classify comment to positive, neutral or negative is K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), you can check step by step POC the method in
- python (2.7 or higher)
- wordpress
- Restfull API
- extract
- run on pyhton with this script "python" in your extract folder
- if error. There are no modules needed such as literature, flask etc., install first ex: pip install flask
- if other error such as python version maybe you can edit some code to your oython version, cause in this code i'm still use python 2.7
- Wordpress
- install the plugin with wordpress (open
- enable plugin (after restAPII running)
- if want to use my data comment, please import my database.db / my database.sql with phmyadmin
- the base plugin here is hercules sentiment analyzer, i just edit little bit for showing sentiment from my python restAPI. this Hercules Sentiment analyzer is cool plugin :D
Congratulation \ (^ o ^) /
if any question please mail me on | Telegram Dwi Purwanto