
Python based visualization of IWFM input and output

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python utilities for IWFM

IWFM is a water resources model that includes a groundwater and stream flow routing model. These are a set of utilties to visualize the input and output for that model


Miniconda is required. After installing, clone this repository and change directory to it. That will allow the commands below to access the environment.yml file that is needed to setup the environment.

conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda env create -f environment.yml

The above command ensures that strict channel priority is used when creating the environment. The environment will be named env_iwfm by default and will contain all the dependencies needed.

Finally, clone this directory and change directory to it and install it as followsd

conda activate env_iwfm
pip install -e .

To confirm installation

conda activate env_iwfm 
pyiwfm --version


From the command line

Ensure that environment is activated

conda activate env_iwfm

To get help on commands and sub-commands

pyiwfm -h
usage: pyiwfm [-h] [-V] {trimesh-animator,head-obs-nodes,calib-head-obs-nodes,calib-rmse-map,head-nodes,nodes-gis,elements-gis} ...

Python utilities for IWFM

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    trimesh-animator    start trimesh animator
    head-obs-nodes      start groundwater heads observations vs nodes plotter
                        start calibration groundwater heads observations vs nodes plotter
    calib-rmse-map      create calibration rmse (root mean squared) map
    head-nodes          dashboard to plot groundwater heads at nodes
    nodes-gis           plot nodes on a map & save to gis shapefile information
    elements-gis        plot elements on a map & save to gis shapefile information

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-V, --version         Show the conda-prefix-replacement version number and exit.

Trimesh Animator

Trimesh Animator displays the groundwater head elevations/depths on a map

pyiwfm trimesh-animator --help
usage: pyiwfm trimesh-animator [-h] --elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE --nodes-file NODES_FILE --strat-file STRAT_FILE --head-file HEAD_FILE [--head-file-base HEAD_FILE_BASE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE
                        path to elements.dat file
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
--strat-file STRAT_FILE
                        path to stratigraphy.dat file
--head-file HEAD_FILE
                        path to heads-all.out file
--head-file-base HEAD_FILE_BASE
                        path to base heads-all.out file to display differences calculated as headfile - headfilebase


Groundwater Head Observations vs Node Plotter

Groundwater Heads Observations vs Node Plotter displays the observation wells as dots on a map and displays nearby model node heads along with observed values in a plot

The stations.csv and measurements.csv file can be downloaded from CA DWR's Open Data Site

pyiwfm head-obs-nodes --help
usage: pyiwfm head-obs-nodes [-h] --elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE --nodes-file
                            NODES_FILE --strat-file STRAT_FILE --head-file
                            HEAD_FILE --stations-file STATIONS_FILE
                            --measurements-file MEASUREMENTS_FILE

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE
                        path to elements.dat file
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
--strat-file STRAT_FILE
                        path to stratigraphy.dat file
--head-file HEAD_FILE
                        path to heads-all.out file
--stations-file STATIONS_FILE
                        path to groundwater periodic stations file
--measurements-file MEASUREMENTS_FILE
                        path to groundwater periodic measurements file


Groundwater Calibration Observation Well Heads vs Nodes

Calibration Groundwater Heads used in a calibration and stored in the geodatabase file. These are a curated subset of data available that qualifies to be used for calibration. The format in the geodatabase file is assumed to have a custom format

pyiwfm calib-head-obs-nodes -h
usage: pyiwfm calib-head-obs-nodes [-h] --elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE --nodes-file NODES_FILE --strat-file STRAT_FILE --head-file HEAD_FILE --calib-gdb-file CALIB_GDB_FILE

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE
                        path to elements.dat file
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
--strat-file STRAT_FILE
                        path to stratigraphy.dat file
--head-file HEAD_FILE
                        path to heads-all.out file
--calib-gdb-file CALIB_GDB_FILE
                        path to gdb file


Groundwater Calibration root mean squared (RMSE) differences on a map

An example of displaying and being able to save a standalone html interactive plot of differences between calibration observations and nearby node heads as root mean squared errors (rmse). The map displays the locations as dots with their colors based on the rmse values

pyiwfm calib-rmse-map -h
usage: pyiwfm calib-rmse-map [-h] --elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE --nodes-file NODES_FILE --strat-file STRAT_FILE --head-file HEAD_FILE --calib-gdb-file CALIB_GDB_FILE --cvprint-file
                            CVPRINT_FILE [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE
                        path to elements.dat file
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
--strat-file STRAT_FILE
                        path to stratigraphy.dat file
--head-file HEAD_FILE
                        path to heads-all.out file
--calib-gdb-file CALIB_GDB_FILE
                        path to gdb file
--cvprint-file CVPRINT_FILE
                        path to cvprint file
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        html file to save rmse map to


Groundwater head at nodes

The nodes are displayed as dots on the map and click on them shows a plot of the head

Use Shift + Mouse Clicks to select multiple nodes and overlay their groundwater heads

pyiwfm trimesh-animator --help
usage: pyiwfm trimesh-animator [-h] --elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE --nodes-file NODES_FILE --strat-file STRAT_FILE --head-file HEAD_FILE [--head-file-base HEAD_FILE_BASE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE
                        path to elements.dat file
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
--strat-file STRAT_FILE
                        path to stratigraphy.dat file
--head-file HEAD_FILE
                        path to heads-all.out file
--head-file-base HEAD_FILE_BASE
                        path to base heads-all.out file to display differences calculated as headfile - headfilebase


Nodes GIS Map and Export

Display nodes on map and export to shapefiles

pyiwfm nodes-gis -h
usage: pyiwfm nodes-gis [-h] --nodes-file NODES_FILE [-o OUTPUT_DIR]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory to write out shapefile information


Elements GIS Map and Export

Display elements on map and export to shapefile

pyiwfm elements-gis -h
usage: pyiwfm elements-gis [-h] --nodes-file NODES_FILE --elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE [-o OUTPUT_DIR]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--nodes-file NODES_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
--elements-file ELEMENTS_FILE
                        path to nodes.dat file
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory to write out shapefile information
