
A Flutter Embedder that talks to Wayland directly.

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Flutter Wayland

A Flutter Embedder/Launcher that talks to Wayland.

Running in Weston


  • Suited for running on STB or any other embedded devices,

  • Provides only mininum required implementataion for launching Flutter application (both JIT or AOT modes are supported):

  • keyboard support with repetition (no touch support, only basic pointer events are implemented),

  • support the following Wayland extensions:

Build dependencies:

  • Fedora >=33:
dnf install cmake clang extra-cmake-modules pkgconf-pkg-config libxkbcommon-devel wayland-devel wayland-protocols-devel libwayland-client libwayland-egl gtk3-devel
  • Yocto
TOOLCHAIN = "clang"
DEPENDS = "flutter-engine gtk+3 libxkbcommon wayland-protocols extra-cmake-modules"
inherit pkgconfig cmake

Build instructions:

# If you don't have pkg-config flutter-engine.pc file
# provide directory location of flutter_embedder.h file:
# directory location of libflutter_engine.so (typically the same as for header files)

# Preferably use the same compiler as was used for compiling the engine:
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++

mkdir -p build
pushd build

# If you don't have flutter-engine.pc file
# otherwise
cmake ..

# Common step to compile sources
cmake --build . -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) --verbose

Direct runtime dependencies:

$ readelf -d flutter-launcher-wayland  | grep NEEDED | awk '{gsub(/\[|\]/,"",$NF); print "  - "$5}'
  - libdl.so.2
  - libxkbcommon.so.0
  - libEGL.so.1
  - libwayland-client.so.0
  - libwayland-egl.so.1
  - libflutter_engine.so
  - libstdc++.so.6
  - libm.so.6
  - libgcc_s.so.1
  - libc.so.6

Running Flutter Applications

Usage: `flutter-launcher-wayland <asset_bundle_path> <flutter_flags>`

This utility runs an instance of a Flutter application and renders using
Wayland core protocols.

The Flutter tools can be obtained at https://flutter.io/

asset_bundle_path: The Flutter application code needs to be snapshotted using
                   the Flutter tools and the assets packaged in the appropriate
                   location. This can be done for any Flutter application by
                   running `flutter build bundle` while in the directory of a
                   valid Flutter project. This should package all the code and
                   assets in the "build/flutter_assets" directory. Specify this
                   directory as the first argument to this utility.

    flutter_flags: Typically empty. These extra flags are passed directly to the
                   Flutter engine. To see all supported flags, run
                   `flutter_tester --help` using the test binary included in the
                   Flutter tools.

Supported environment variables:
                   Value encoded as per setlocale(3) (e.g. "szl_PL.utf8") is
                   passed to the engine via UpdateLocales().

                   See also: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/setlocale.3.html
                   Overwrites the pixel aspect ratio reported
                   to the engine by FlutterEngineSendWindowMetricsEvent().

                   See also: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/dart-ui/Window/devicePixelRatio.html

                   Non-zero value enables grabbing all keys (even without having
                   a focus) using Xwayland keyboard grabbing protocol (assuming 
                   server implement this extension).

                   See also: https://github.com/wayland-project/wayland-protocols/tree/0a61d3516b10da4e65607a6dd97937ebedf6bcfa/unstable/xwayland-keyboard-grab

                   where <string> can be any of syslog(3) prioritynames or its
                   unique abbreviation e.g. "err", "warning", "info" or "debug".

                   if the app is run inside lxc container - path to where cgroup/memory memory.usage_in_bytes & cgroup.event_control are located
                   necessary for memory watcher to work

                   if FLUTTER_LAUNCHER_WAYLAND_CGROUP_MEMORY_PATH is defined, this specifies container memory usage levels at which the application
                   will get FlutterEngineNotifyLowMemoryWarning notifications; the format is comma-separated memory (in bytes) values, like:
                   At least one memory level needs to be defined for memory watcher to work. After each notification, there is 20sec cooldown period,
                   when additional FlutterEngineNotifyLowMemoryWarning notifications will not be called.


Before submitting a new PR:

  • Format the code with clang-format -i src/*.*.

  • Make sure that code compiles fine with both gcc >=11 and clang >= 11 (no single warning on clang).

  • Test on PC with both:

    • AddressSanitizer (recompile code with: -fsanitize=address -fPIE -fno-omit-frame-pointer),

    • TheadSanitizer (recompile code with: -fsanitize=thread -fPIE -fno-omit-frame-pointer).


Based on the original code from: https://github.com/chinmaygarde/flutter_wayland

Heavily rewritten by: Damian Wrobel <dwrobel@ertelnet.rybnik.pl>