Chartlytics API
For all api end points other than the signin
request, you will need to include a authorization header for the JWT
and a x-timezone
org: <string>
name: <string>
age: <optional number>
gender: <optional string>
grade: <optional string>
user: <optional string> // Link to a <User> for performers of `type` 'user'. You can ignore this.
creator: <string>
archived: <optional string>
archivedBy: <optional string>
type: <Enum('learner', 'user')> // Ignore performers of type user. User performers are used to track users activity.
_id: <string>
org: <string>
performer: <string>
user: <string
roles: <[string]>
active: <boolean>
assigner: <string>
email: <optional string>
username: <optional string>
isGodmin: <boolean>
activeOrg: <optional string>
first_name: <optional string>
last_name: <optional string>
hasCaseSensitiveUsername: <boolean>
isBetaTester: <boolean>
gender: <optional boolean>,
hasUpdatedPassword: <optional boolean>
forceSetPasswordOnFirstLogin: <optional boolean>
login_attempts: <number>
lock_until: <optional number>
confirmed: <boolean>
lastLogin: <optional string>
globalType: <optional string>
name: <optional string>
org: <string>
group: <optional string>
performer: <optional string>
pinpoint: <string>
sortId: <number> // deprecated
metadata: {
recordFloor: <optional number>
recordCeiling: <optional number>
enableRecordCeiling: <optional Bboolean>
correctAimMin: <optional number>
correctAimMax: <optional number>
incorrectAimMin: <optional number>
incorrectAimMax: <optional number>
durationAimMin: <optional number>
durationAimMax: <optional number>
latencyAimMin: <optional number>
latencyAimMax: <optional number>
startDate: <optional string>
aimDate: <optional string>
daysToAim: <optional number>
aggregateType: <optional string>
conditions: <optional [string]>
totalTrials: <optional number>
trialTime: <optional number>
labels: {
supervisor: <optional string>
advisor: <optional string>
manager: <optional string>
organization: <optional string>
performerName: <optional string>
performerAge: <optional number>
counted: <optional string>
timer: <optional string>
counter: <optional string>
charter: <optional string>
division: <optional string>
room: <optional string>
tags: <[string]>
assigner: <string>
assigned: <string>
archived: <optional string>
archivedBy: <optional string>
org: <string>
pinpoint: <string>
performer: <string>
chart: <string>
raw: {
correct: <optional number>,
incorrect: <optional number>,
latency: <optional number>,
duration: <optional number>,
recordFloor: <optional number>,
recordCeiling: <optional number>,
clientCreationDate: <optional string>
recorder: <string>
recordedBy: <string>
recorded: <string>
isUserMeasurement: <boolean>,
measurer: <string>
measured: <string>
locked: <optional string>
lockedBy: <optional string>
_id: <optional string>
clientCreationDate: <optional string>
measuredDate: <string> // ISO date format. The api uses the requests `x-timezone` to account for the requesters timezone.
correct: <optional number> // accel - required if a the chart is a frequency chart and the request has no incorrect field
incorrect: <optional number> // decel - required if a the chart is a frequency chart and the request has no correct field
latency: <optional number> // required if the chart is a latency chart
duration: <optional number> // required if the chart is a duration chart
recordCeiling: <optional number>
recordFloor: <optional number>
Sign In
Sign into a account.
POST /api/v2/signin
userIdentifier: <string> // User's email, or username
password: <string>
accessToken: <string> // JWT token, store this and use it for future requests
authorization: <Authorization> // Associated authorization for the logged in user (for the specific organization)
user: <User> // User that logged in
userId: <string> // User Id that is logged in
orgId: <string> // Organization Id that is logged in
Get Performers
Returns list of performers the authorized user has access within the organization.
GET /api/v2/org/:orgId/performer
msg: <string>
orgId: <string>
performers: <[Performer]>
Get Performer's Charts
Returns a list of charts that the authorized user has access to within the organization, for the specific performer.
GET /api/v2/org/:orgId/performer/:performerId/chart
msg: <string>
orgId: <string>
performerId: <string>
charts: <[Chart]>
Create Measurement
Creates measurement for the specified performer's chart.
POST /api/org/:orgId/chart/:chartId/measurement
measurements: <[CreateMeasurementData]>
orgId: <string>
chartId: <string>
measurements: <[Measurement]>