
FSI Autism UseCase3

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

FSI Autism Hackathon

Use Case #3: Application of Machine Learning to ABA Data

Below are the deliverables of the Hackathon

  • KPI for Goal Effectiveness
  • KPI for Provider Effectiveness (rollup of KPI for Goal Effectiveness)
  • Combined measures that predict the likelihood and speed of future success


  • CR(CentralReach) x Microsoft Clinical Data Project CentralReach RAW Data

  • Data Profiling Profiling Profiling

Part 1: Supervised Model: To predict the success of a goal

Data Cleaning & Pre-Processing

  • The bad records from the file with seperators in the data were dropped.
  • Bad data was imputed.
  • If the goal is met, we flag it as 1. All the other goal statuses are flagged as 0.

Feature Engineering:

  • Goal Length : Difference between the Goal End Date and Goal Start Date in Days
  • Goal Start Date: When the Goal was initiated
  • Goal Met Date, Goal Hold Date, Goal In progress date, Goal Discontinued date (Depending upon the goal status)
  • Goal Domain - One hot encoded feature
  • Number of unique trials per Trial Target Id
  • Number of unique trial groups per Trial Target Id
  • Number of unique trial authors per Trial Target Id
  • Total number of successful trials
  • Total number of failed trials
  • Interaction between goal length and number of successful/failed trials
  • Interaction between number of unique authors in the goal and number of successful/failed trials

Models Trained:

  • Random Forest
  • XGBoost
  • Logistic Regression
Variable Importance:
  • Random Forest Variable Importance Variable Importance
Confusion Martrix

Confusion Matrix

ROC-AUC Curve:

Confusion Matrix

Part 2: Un-Supervised Model: To predict the success of a goal

Data Cleaning & Pre-Processing

  • The bad records from the file with seperators in the data were dropped.
  • Bad data was imputed.
  • If the goal is met, we flag it as 1. All the other goal statuses are flagged as 0.

Feature Engineering:

  • We tried to cluster the data based on the feature below and Goal Domain.
  • Calculated a feature date_diff_to_success = difference between the Goal Met and Trial Date per client
  • goals_met_per_trial_phase
Variable Importance:
  • K-Means Variable Importance Variable Importance
K-Means Summary:

Confusion Matrix

Models Trained:

  • K-Means Clustering

Part 3: Feature Analysis to recommend right service providers based on their expertise.

  • Calculates the success_percentage based on the success of specific trials over time.
  • Can help recommend right service provider for the problem area.
  • ReadMe

Time Series Analysis:

  • Client-Provider Relationship: Time series forecasting for trial values (success and failure) follows a uniform trend. Example: Predicting whether the trial is going to succeed for a given client and provider based on history.

  • In this case, the trend in increasing number of trial failures resulted in a termination of the relationship.

  • Time Series Analysis

  • Distribution of Domain Experts

  • Time distribution can help identify the period for which the relationship will be effective in accomplishing goals.

Future Work:

  • Extension of part3 to incorporate in the Machine Learning model for Provider Effectiveness
  • Refinement of overall work to understand the effectiveness of model based on Field evaluations.